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Comments for World Court is Tracking Us Down

This will likely NOT run on CNN or other media. Since its first subject is the Bush Administration ---Fox News won’t divulge it either . . .

Well ~~~ DAMN THOSE LIB-ERRR-ALLLS!!! We should burn them all at the stakes and make them live in the Middle East, Stan . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 5:49 pm By: Gene Scarborough
Jimma was an outstanding Liberal. One of the best in modern times.

Barack Hussein may be a more accomplished Liberal, but lacked Jimma's negotiating skills, which Hussein Obama is proved to have none.

Amateur Obama has certainly supplanted Jimma as the most ineffective president in modern times - in fact, it is not even close at this point. Moreover, at least Jimma appeared honest.
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 3:46 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I am sure you viewed the linked videos in several places here . . .
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 6:24 am By: Gene Scarborough
Too bad you are such a political conservative freak that you miss the qualities of Jimmy Carter:
(1) He walked down Pennsylvania along with his wife as a show of humility.
(2) He refused to go to war over oil prices in the Middle East.
(3) He was a DC outsider and those embedded were hell bent to make his way hard.
(4) He ordered the mission to save Iran hostages, but it failed---had he been successful it would have been all glory and honor / because of the failure all Presidents since have shied from action that brought Osama to justice by WHO?
(5) The back channels got Reagan elected by keeping the hostages until he won office by the same crooked means as too many Republicans. FLA / Bush
(6) He has become a honoree with the Nobel Peace Prize and Habitat work along with several published works honoring wise diplomacy over war.
(7) Have you ever been offered an Adjunct Professorship at Emory and the likes?

He is a man of love and diplomacy / you are one of the most hard-headed and angry Conservatives I have ever debated, but since you have some good sense to reason in a debate, I honor your conservatism, good buddy . . .

We shall agree to disagree on many things and that is OK by me.
Commented: Saturday, February 7th, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
No. I would not list Jimmy Carter as one I would learn anything from.

I have too much common sense for that.

Jimmy Carter is a lucky man; however, now that Barack Hussein has well filled that special place once held by Jimma. Actually Jimma will never get that spot back.

If you don't know what spot I speak of, you certainly aren't a Conservative. You would not even be a thinking Moderate. And unequivocally, you would not be a true student of history.
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 6:58 pm By: Stan Deatherage
I and my father are both acquainted with MLK and his father / Jesus the Christ / Harry Emerson Fosdick and Peter Marshall, to name a few. Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter are both Emory adjunct professors.

Why would I be surprised that self-taught and the major fomentors of war do not guide you . . . Take your choice, those who read us~~~hate or love and forgiveness. . .
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 3:51 pm By: Gene Scarborough
You just proved my point, once again, with every word you write.

My training came from abject common sense, and my governing heroes in modern times - a few names I can mention: Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher to name a few. Military rulers like Douglas MacArthur, and warrior generals like George S. Patton and Norman Schwarzkopf.
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 2:19 pm By: Stan Deatherage
My God, you are prone to overstatement --- on behalf of the other person, Stan.

I am simply saying, "If the shoe fits, we must own it." Our activity at Abu Garib and Guantanamo were hidden as were the death camps / people died and were tortured at our hands by the orders of Bush / Cheney / etc. The only ones dealt with thus far were soldiers at the lowest levels following orders.

Emory gave me the ability to reason and get out of my southern conservatism to a better kind of conserving that which is wiser. I often wonder where you got your training in abject Republican / Tea Party Conservatism. Explain, if you can . . .
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 10:13 am By: Gene Scarborough
You're kidding me here.

You're are equating American patriots with Nazis, the Waffen SS, Auschwitz,etc., Nuremberg? Is this the stupid crap that you learned at your dear Emory, or are these just mush-minded Liberal talking points?

Water-boarding about 40 terrorists is the Liberal moral equivalency of The Final Solution?

You continue to prove what Americans will one day wake up and know: liberal Democrats will never keep them safe in today's world of Islamic fascism.
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 9:01 am By: Stan Deatherage
Just up this morning from yesterday's hearing of the Armed Services Committee:

This guy is a young Turk with a hate that won't quit --- does he speak for you, Stan?
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 6:22 am By: Gene Scarborough
Sorry, Stan, your exposure to the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals is a bit naive . . . The LEADERS were imprisoned, tried and hung for the same kinds of TORTURE inflicted by them against Geneva Convention rules for proper POW treatment with humane controls.

We, like the German citizens, have known what was going on, YET have not acted to punish it and bring it to justice. Dick Cheney smiles and acts as though it was the "right thing to do." It produced no actionable intelligence results. It has created a multitude of Middle Eastern relatives and countrymen who say, "If they did it to us with such heartlessness, whey should we have a heart towards them!"

To put a religious face on it, Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you / forgive your enemies / love one another . . ." to cite a few Christian things to do --- as opposed to the hate of the Pharisees and desire to control the people to make hate happen . . .
Commented: Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 6:06 am By: Gene Scarborough
I think I get the point here: American warrior patriots are bad; America's first Affirmative Action president, who lost one war and is losing his second, is good.

I guess we can thank Democrats and squishy Middlecrats, who put Barack Hussein into office to leave America, and the free world vulnerable to Islamic fascism.

Now I do believe I get your point. Islamic fascism is truly not the big of a problem, and if it becomes a problem, it is the fault of American warrior patriots.
Commented: Thursday, February 5th, 2015 @ 10:28 pm By: Stan Deatherage


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