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Comments for Movie Night

Last night my wife and I went to see a movie. It was a very popular movie and we were required to wait our turn in a long line to purchase our tickets. After purchasing our tickets we proceeded through the metal detector to ensure we were not carrying weapons.

Today most professions require Continuing Education to keep your license. Most do it on "attending the course" rather than having to pass another test.

The last big test I took, outside my LUTCF degree, was Series 6 Securities. It is tough. I tried to get ready on my own and was totally frustrated. For 3 days I paid for and attended a good course which prepared all of us much better.

At the end we took a sample test. Prior to taking it the instructor said, "There will be multiple choice options check. Some are obvious and most can be boiled down to 2 good answers. At that point ask yourself: 'Which of the 2 comes closest to TELL THE TRUTH, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, TO YOUR CLIENT.'"

That was the challenge when I came to the pulpit 3 times a week as a Baptist minister / whenever I sold insurance without Mutual Funds / when I sold them with Mutual Funds requiring I have a Series 6 license.

I saw too many fellow ministers and financial advisers telling clients what they wanted to hear to sell a policy or religion---that could be a bad mistake. Anyone who tells people what they think they want to hear, rather than challenges them to THINK ~~~ IS A DANGEROUS PERSON AND ONLY WANTS POPULARITY OVER HONESTY!
Commented: Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 @ 6:32 am By: Gene Scarborough
That's fine.

I'm way beyond grading at this point in my life. Education is a daily experience for me, and I know who I can learn from, and those that have little to offer.

I think way outside the box, and only get back into the box when I feel called to, but I still keep one foot out of the box to stay above it all.

You do know that they whole grading thing smacks of elitism.
Commented: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 @ 8:47 am By: Stan Deatherage
I have multiple degrees ~~~ first from Emory / then Southeastern Seminary / then Life Underwriting / then Securities / then the School of Hard Knocks whose colors are black and blue.

To stop the empty excuses I give you now an "F+" ~~~ now put some thought to the outline I proposed in another post. I want a reasonable explanation as to "what have Conservatives conserved????
Commented: Tuesday, November 25th, 2014 @ 8:38 am By: Gene Scarborough
Yeah ...

Well, I'm pretty far beyond college at this point ... even your dear Emory.

At this point in my life, I may be better qualified to give your beloved professor a grade, rather than the reverse.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 8:23 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan to Emory prof: "I though I did pretty good, sir"

Emory prof to Stan: "When I hear both sides explained clearly and then you tell me with reasoned thought which side you choose ~~~ the grade of "D" stands.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 6:48 pm By: Gene Scarborough
I think it is a pretty good answer for two short sentences. Plus, it was an extremely accurate assessment.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 3:15 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Sorry, Stan --- empty answer akin to "because I think so"... would get you a quick "F" at Emory, good buddy.

I know you can do better with some real thought and many of the new readers would be glad to hear your wisdom on this. You can do so much better---and I, for one, know it.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 3:03 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The Amateur has well exhibited his knowledge of the Constitution, which is proved pathetic. History will judge this president harshly.
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 9:22 am By: Stan Deatherage
Is it possible that your understanding or "The Constitution" and his are somewhat different. Remember, his law specialty is "Constitutional Law." He has the degree / he has been a community organizer in Chicago / from his words, he has some gifts in speaking that only wise and well-trained Black Preachers possess.

Just saying, Stan ---
Commented: Monday, November 24th, 2014 @ 9:16 am By: Gene Scarborough
I have nothing in common with The Amateur.

I swore to defend the Constitution 5 times and I did. He is sworn to defend it and he did not.
Commented: Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 @ 8:37 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Then you, of all people should sympathize with the President as an object of hate and frustration. He went in with tons of expectation out of minorities who gladly voted for him. They were expecting more free rides and he didn't do such.

He missed a perfect opportunity to step to the mic and tell people of color and welfare that the jig was up and money was out so "get a public works job" we can provide of get one from private business. Either way you will work the same 40 hours minimum taxpayers do or you can do the same thing they have to do--starve!

He had little to no effect over war expenditures forced onto him by the Bush lies on WMD and the Middle East. How dare a President avoid war. The cost of such with Kennedy and Viet Nam was more than high on this anniversary date.

I'm just saying~~~ quit the labeling and hating / work toward some kind on consensus / offer constructive criticism when appropriate / make the best decisions you can to make the most people happy with tax money spent.

In some cases, the people who hate and oppose you are the best measure that you are on the right track of public service!!! As a Baptist minister, the ones who often hated me most were the very ones the average church member knew to be an impostor ~~~ there for business purposes rather than integrity of character and service!
Commented: Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 @ 6:53 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It was very subtle the changes I effected as a county commissioner.

A few large initiatives, which I did not get credit for, for if I did, they never would have happened.

Beaufort County is one whose electorate is far more Liberal than Conservative, so they got the government they deserved, and the property tax rate that they wished for. And that tax rate is about to jump again with the Liberals in control of the commission for so many decades.

There are few Conservatives in Beaufort County, so it was always a question of either the county electorate changing or me changing, and I was not about to change. i suppose their abstinence won out over mine.

I stand for too much to devolve into that type of politician, and now, I'm glad to be done with it.
Commented: Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 @ 1:47 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Stan---how well did you do in changing the Beaufort Commissioners in your many years?

Had you gone in and magically changed it all to your way, I could see your point. You DIDN'T / the President didn't either.

He inherited a totally busted economy from George Bush. It has been put into place from Reaganomics --- which you errantly claim is "old news." He DID NOT give the Tax Code. Congress makes such! It, further, has no penalties for overseas banking nor corporate building when they get breaks the working people of America do not!

I'm a little confused that you would be so confused and hard-headed ~~~ BUT the classic reaction of someone who eats poison is "I didn't do that and it's someone else's fault!"

Nobody wants to ever say, "I was tricked into a false conservatism that just isn't working for America." Neither does anyone want to admit it is little different from the tricks used in Nazi Germany as "conservatives" ruled that country prior to WWII.

Those who fail to grasp history and it's lessons ~~~ are doomed to repeat their mistakes. If you dare to think outside your narrow box of Conservatism, you might get better. Otherwise, you will soon run out of air and die a miserable middle-class death to the rich and favored these days.
Commented: Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 @ 1:10 pm By: Gene Scarborough
How has Obama's economic plan helped the middle class?

The answer: It hasn't.

In fact it is now much worse because the shrinking middle class has to pay for all of those won't work, because they don't have to ... not as long as they continue to vote for America's first Affirmative Action president.

This cannot continue. I do believe the damage created in America, by The Amateur and his Democrats stumbling, bumbling, and in many cases mumbling for too many years of congressional leadership, is too significant to overturn if the mental midget party ever gets complete control of our Federal government.
Commented: Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 @ 11:06 am By: Stan Deatherage
I am a hard-working / well-educated / small businessman living now in America. I paid for my ticket with my house / all my retirement / all my tree surgery customers who can't afford to get needed work done in a busted economy.

The movie I paid dearly to attend was is entitled: "Conservative Takeover of America." It is a horror movie starting during the Reagan years and into today. I guess you might describe it also as a Docudrama.

The first act shows how conservative and religious folks were deceived by the Moral Majority and how other formerly good religious denominations were taken over by their conservative "lusters for power." They all got bulletin inserts to put in their Sunday-before-Election Day printed program. Strangely, the Republicans were depicted as sprouting halos and angel wings / the Democrats were growing horns and had tails and forks in hand!

The second part dealt with how rich and corporate heads worked behind-the-scenes to bring about their favoritism as Ronald Reagan sold "Trickle Down Economics" to the naive public~~~assuming him to be helpful to them. After all, he sold 20 Mule Team Borax and GE before he became Governor of California and then President.

The middle scene showed how all those favored by taxes built new enterprises overseas and did all their banking offshore. In that same chapter we had a monster Recession and 9/11--over which George W. Bush presided. At the same part suddenly 1% of Americans owned 80% of all the money in the economy. The Congress, unlike that of Franklin Roosevelt's era, "helped" only the rich and corps along with banks and investment firms to "get over their problems with working taxpayer money." Meanwhile, the working taxpayers still had to pay full price for GM cars when they actually owned 61% of that corp!

The final chapter covered how a dark-skinned man was elected as President and all the white and rich citizens refused to accept nor help him try to make things better after the white President made a bigger mess by leading the US to make war on Iraq over a lie about weapons of mass destruction--er, distraction. Meanwhile, the churches were still passing out those bulletin flyers at each service during the elections that followed. Somehow, the US did not take away their tax-exempt status over turning their 501(c)3 corps into profitable mega churches!

The last scene was in seca plain color --- of barbarians taking over the Roman Empire and burning all the books and "witches" that dared to oppose them. It morphed to Germany after WWII as the conservatives there burned books and cremated Jews, Gypsies, and the mentally afflicted citizens.

The end of the movie was preceded by a statement on the screen from Martin Nemoeller: "I kept quiet when they came for the Jews, because I was not a Jew. I still kept quiet when they came after all the intelligentsia and protesters, I was a common man of no protest. When they came for me there was no one left to utter a word."

I hate you missed the movie which cost me so much. Did you sneak in the special Conservative unlocked door for a free look? NO---you were in line for the latest animated feature entertaining with distracting blood and gore along with blood flowing in the streets --- it seems to me!
Commented: Sunday, November 23rd, 2014 @ 9:07 am By: Gene Scarborough


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