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Comments for The Board of Commissioners' Clown Car rolls on

Monday (8-4-14) night's Beaufort County Board of Commissioners' meeting was a phenomenal event. We would not have believed it had we not seen it with our own eyes.


I get it. I got it. I've actually had it quite well for some time.

And very soon, I will be gone ... for good as a county commissioner.


Thanks man. It was because of guys like you and Velma that I did this.

And once again, as if you did not know this already: Thanks for all you did fronting the party, and thank-you for all that you did to help me, and, therefore, my constituents all these years.

You remember when the Washington Daily News wrote that hit-piece on me, on the issue of constituency, when the WDN was front-running to help give away our county hospital to UHS, now Vidant.

I felt that I was in another world that I so well understood constituency, and the WDN did not, which translated to so many of their readers being, once again, so terribly misinformed. The WDN really has a hard time thinking their way out of a 'wet paper bag', and sadly, so do most of their ardent readers, who certainly won't read what I am writing now.

I won't miss that level of stupidity directed at me as a commissioner. I can promise you that.

As a businessman and being part of the creation team here here at SNI, I don't have to do business with people that despise me because I am a Conservative, or just that I don't hate Hood. I can always just work with their competition, and give them the superior product, and for less money since our products are so far superior to our local, and regional competition.

This will be fun, and this game is just nigh of beginning.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 12:13 pm By: Stan Deatherage

I appreciate the compliments, especially coming from one of our all time best county commissioners.

I've got an epithet for those four Beaufort County Commissioners hell bent on taking our rights as citizens away from us: Despots!

The North Carolina Constitution gives the citizens the right of deciding if we want to engage in building projects that will create long term public debt. The citizens of Beaufort County want a referendum before we do something that will raise our taxes for an extended period of time. Commissioners Langley, Klemm, Booth, and Belcher are refusing to grant us our legitimate right. I and others intend to stop this gross violation of our rights.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 12:00 pm By:
You still don't "get it", Stan ---- sorry about that!
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 11:57 am By: Gene Scarborough
The definition of epithet: adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned.

That's a fair assessment. Whatever it takes to provide a fair, accurate description of something. Time is fleeting.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 11:27 am By: Stan Deatherage
We are still throwing epithets without serious definition, gentlemen!

I am Baptist by rearing and profession for many years. The Southern Baptist Convention was, perhaps, the most democratic religious denomination of any today. The only way to really describe it WAS: Whatever the Roman Catholics were in organization, the SBC WAS NOT!!! We both believe in the basics of the Faith, but the way we went about organizing and doing business were miles apart.

Inside this diverse group of churches, you had all the way from mountain snake-handlers to robed clergy with liturgy/split-chancel. The rules were that "if you gave to the Mission Enterprise, you had a vote at the annual meeting." We USED not to kill each over theology because we majored on missions and left the details of the faith to the individual and local church. It worked pretty well since the SBC was the largest Protestant Denomination in the US under that umbrella.

Back in the 50's and with power and steam/flame in the 60's --- things began to change. At every meeting you now had "Conservatives" pushing to rule when they had been a minority on votes / "Liberals" holding against what they perceived as barbarians at the gates of a diverse and fair organization.

Some called the Conservatives "fundamentalists" / others called the Main Line folks who understood (like me) "liberals." Then it went to Conservative-Fundamentalists / Moderate-Liberal. Nobody found a term to describe it. We all knew it was a "Battle for the Bible" as described in naive media. It kept the SBC on front pages of each State Baptist Paper with unending debate (nothing new for any Baptist) until the votes were cast in Houston, Texas, where I was present and watching, mid-70's.

A massive influx of church buses rolled up to the door. Out came masses of people flooding through the registration area and picking up ballots. There were rules which limited each church to a max of 10 Messengers, but they all got run over! Trust was the rule before that event. What Baptist Church or it's member, all knowing the rules, would intentionally violate them? How about just enough voters with ballots to give the Conservative candidate for the President a 2% edge in numbers!!!

What used to be a mission-sending organization is now a highly paid Executive organization with the Executive Committee appointed by a Conservative President (Mega Church pay) consistently in office ever since. Southeastern Seminary at Wake Forest is now a little Liberty University run with the outlook of Jerry Falwell---who was an Independent Baptist in Lynchburg, VA, saying all the SBC churches were bound for hell if attended by any type of Baptist other than "his type of Baptist."

When we stop respecting one another / when we start calling each other names in hate / we see how the SBC is no longer as big as it used to be / has nowhere near the type of professional schools with respect it used to have / is crying the blues over "what happened to our fast growth of the 60's?"

All I can say is, "God doesn't bless a mess!"
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 11:18 am By: Gene Scarborough
Yes, this is the same Charles Hickman, that I spoke of earlier. He should be a template for all future aspiring county Republican party chair people.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 10:52 am By: Stan Deatherage
Well, I like DINOs, and actually DINOs are a remnant of the old Democrat party before it got hijacked by the victim class.

DINO's kept me in office for 18 years, so I am a bit partial here.

You know I don't mind Liberals, when they are not so damned mean-spirited, and some are the worst this nation has ever known.

Mostly, my truck is with the RINOs, always has been. As you know, I despise a liar, and a fake, and RINOs are the worst.

On your mention of the "over-used flame title", for me it is a quicker way to better describe a self-anointed class. I like good descriptive words, because time is fleeting.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 10:43 am By: Stan Deatherage
Thanks for the help on another "designation." They are getting so plenteous these days to make people mad at one another, I lose count!

With your RINO definition, I would probable quality as as DINO!!! We both look past party to the real nature of people proven by who we know them to be. That is really hard with Madison Avenue ads puffing people into "politicians you need to elect."

Since you are on the subject and use often the conservative/liberal designations = the "L" designation you say with a sneer. How would you define each of these or any other over-used flame title?
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 10:36 am By: Gene Scarborough
Stan gave a good explanation of the RINO phenomenon. I've actually stopped using the term, but I'm still in flux about settling on the correct standard term to use. At various times, I now use the terms of establishment Republican, big government Republican, liberal Republican, progressive Republican, socialist Republican, globalist Republican, crony Republican, phony Republican, corrupt Republican, unprincipled Republican, or traitorous Republican.

Some quick ways to recognize one of these dudes is by asking if this fellow cares a wit about the Republican Party platform, if they align with Democrat Socialists in policy making or organization, and if they are anti-conservative.

In my lifetime there have always been tensions in the party with these establishment types; the Rockefeller cocktail progressive Republicans weren't real happy with conservatives like Goldwater, Reagan, and Helms. But, the big government boys have escalated the tensions over time. After what happened in the 2014 Mississippi Senate primary, we may have reached a point of no return.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 10:25 am By:
RINO - Republican in Name Only.

The Liberals in Beaufort County have done all their damage, over these many years, only with the help of the RINO. Actually RINOs are liberals, and we have had more than our share of them.

Why do you think that I cannot make it out of a Republican primary, and I don't care how little effort I put in it? How can a Republican party not nominate someone that has won 5 straight general elections, twice by standing record totals? I don't get in by the skin of my teeth, I win well.

You'd be surprised how many Democrats vote for me because they know that I am honest, and I stand against crony capitalism, government favoritism.

Beaufort County is well known among real Republicans, from across the state, as a haven for RINOs, and we have well more than our share.

No, there will always be liberal Democrats. The real problem in this county are the RINOs. Every real Republican knows this. If they don't, they are either drinking the Kool-aide of stupid, or they are not real Republicans.

It is really a simple proposition here, and I will be well out of it very soon.

Becuase of the RINOs, and too many non RINOs that won't stand up, and work for real Republicans, the Beaufort County Republican party is an abysmal failure, and has been for many years.

One guy - Charles Hickman - was by far the best chairman we have ever had, and he had to fill in for the RINO stooge Greg Dority, when he quit as we headed into election season.
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 9:19 am By: Stan Deatherage
Stan---any small businessman / Conservative Republican like you is in that same spot = economy slow / expenses up / I manage it with 80% less than before this economy busted under Bush's watch and Reagan's VooDoo.

I find ways to do more with less. I drive a 1990 F-250, but it's better engineered with an International 7.3 than the $65K up new ones!

That's a total NON-ANSWER/COMMENT, my brother!!! This whole thing is going to be declared illegal unless it gets a public vote---after more money is wasted by the Commissioners hiring a lawyer to defend their actions at odds with NC Statute!!!

Sorry, but WTH is a RINO????
Commented: Thursday, August 7th, 2014 @ 8:54 am By: Gene Scarborough

The question has been decided by the Liberals.

You will get your new jail in the southwest corner of the county, if you can stop the me and my constituents, and I only have a few more months to make any difference.

I still can't fathom this whole: We need a new, safe jail, but you, commissioners, need to lower our taxes thing.

That is not how math works.

If you have friends that actually understand this logic, you might need to pick some smarter friends.
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 5:17 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Why the avoidance of good questions I am asking??? It matter not who did what to whom~~~this needs a solution when you guys put down your angry clenched jaws and consider the state of our dangerous jail!!!
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 4:50 pm By: Gene Scarborough

You've already explained the problem, and it is that I have always been a minority county commissioner.

I am responsible for none of this. My constituents are responsible for none of this.

There are responsibilities for being a part of a democratic republic, and that is to pay attention, and vote for the right people to serve you.

If you vote for Liberals, don't be surprised when they vote in such a way that it raises your taxes. That is the way democratic republics work, and the Beaufort County Commissioners are no different.

If you are dissatisfied with the amount of taxes you are paying now, just know this: They are going higher!

That is why elections are important.
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 1:50 pm By: Stan Deatherage
Is ask good questions ~~~ get no answer. This is serious, my brother!!!
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 1:35 pm By: Gene Scarborough
It is what it.

You mentioned it yourself in the preceding comment. I just explained the truth of it.
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 9:33 am By: Stan Deatherage
Please drop the "party blame" BS --- it accomplishes NOTHING when prison safety and good law enforcement at the real issue. I am INDEPENDENT!!!
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 9:31 am By: Gene Scarborough
You are so totally right, Stan, on taxes going up!!!

I appreciate what the "Gang of 3" is trying to do right now. The "Gang of 4" becomes an "Entertainment Troop of 7", if the meeting Monday Night is any evidence of typical "discussions." None of you guys were smiling and that troubles me.

When chins are set / discussions and decisions made before the meeting starts / it is a waste of time to act like any matter is "being discussed & debated." Let's let the Halls of Congress keep doing that. We can do much better, in my view of loving Beaufort County and living here.

I am sure you have a few creative ideas to save money and accomplish a better prison and Law Enforcement Center before someone gets more badly treated than they already are with the "basement rat hole" we call our jail.

You do realize there are NO sprinklers if the building caught fire / no rapid escape route / prisoners being bitten by Recluse Spiders and having to be tested for TB (when one had it and had a coughing fit down in the hole).

You do realize it is an impossible situation for jailers to walk safely down the narrow center walk with crowded cells on each side and within reach of spit or grabs. I hope we have no female jailers in that place!

How do you advocate replacing a jail that NO AMOUNT OF RENOVATION will bring up to current standards?

A few weeks ago I advocated in an article "Renovation over New." Now that I know more details about the current facility, I am convinced we must find a way to build a new facility at reasonable cost and by vote of the public on the November ballot. The ONLY way to secure a bond at far better rates than you decided to pursue Monday night by the 4/3 vote---on every matter.

You guys could all go out in glory, IF you can solve this problem over fighting it as you have for years of indecision. This is far from a new issue for this County!!!

What do you think is a better solution than the Industrial Park / was Hood right about the cheap steel in the current most expensive plan???

None of this is going to be cheap without a poor long-term result. I hope the opposition advocating for the Industrial Part Solution will tell us how they are going to proceed before a fire or spiders or communicable disease gets us on CNN over "prisoner abuse."

The Hospital situation at Belhaven already has Beaufort County onscreen! I am from Atlanta / I know Ted Turner / I have friends at CNN who would love another "exciting story" about jail abuse. I have a good phone and a few calls from me to them --- or Bill Moyers (another friend) could get things rolling if you guys still want to fight and fuss without doing anything to make prisoners safe --- many of whom are "innocent until proven guilty."

OH---my father knew and worked with Daddy King and others now running the racial fairness advocates. I can make a few calls today, if you guys want. I will give you a little time to get your mess "un-messed."
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 9:29 am By: Gene Scarborough
Yes Gene, I am a member of the Gang of Three, formerly a member of the Gang of Two. Over the last 18 years, the People of Beaufort County have saw fit to elect majorities of Democrats and Republicans that have moved as majorities to make decisions that have raised your/our taxes, and if the Southwest County Jail comes into fruition, they will raise them again.

There has been little that I and Hood have been able to do to stem that tide, but I now hear that this predicament may all be out fault because we 'doth protest too much' too vociferously. This is mostly a RINO fantasy, but Democrats parrot it as well, so that is fine with me. I will soon only accurately record the events of this county; I will no longer accurately serve my constituents.

As one of clarion thought, I see the People of Beaufort County as a majority, who wishes to pay the higher taxes, and soon much higher taxes. This is what they want, this is what they will handsomely get.

My only sorrow is that as long as I live here, I, and my more thoughtful constituents, will also pay the higher taxes.

Oh well.
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 9:01 am By: Stan Deatherage
Good question, Stan. When a good Republican sets his mind to making government more efficient and less costly, you should be offering the answer in quick fashion, yourself!

I try to operate my small Tree Surgery business since the Recession (Depression?) set in. I make only 20% of what I did before people started doing only "necessary things" --- and hoping any tree that blew down would be covered by insurance. No thought to how it might NOT BLOW DOWN if they paid me to prune it properly!!!

I had to find ways in my personal life to cut back. You are likely the same with your real estate and other ventures. It's not easy, but it can be done.

You are the conservative "Gang of 3" member / you know the expense picture far better than me / I know of only one spot and I am sure there are others.

I note the fine condition and look of County Equipment. The same is true of DOT equipment. I see nice F-250 new trucks in use. My F-250 is 1990 vintage --- actually much easier to maintain since it has the trusty 7.3 International diesel engine! I have about $16K total invested / a new one costs $60K up and is far from as dependable!!! Fancy, but costly and my taxes are paying for such!

My savings buying and maintaining heavy duty equipment from known best manufacturers is my way of "being more efficient" in a 80% down world of income for me.

Now, it's your turn, Mr. County Councilman . . . I know you can do it, brother!
Commented: Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 @ 8:21 am By: Gene Scarborough

At that very same meeting, you asked that the commissioners lower the property taxes by '30% across the board', so: How do you propose that the county's people pay for the Southwest County jail, and the 800,000.00 per year to transport the prisoners from the Industrialized Incarceration Complex on 30% less revenue?
Commented: Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 @ 8:38 pm By: Stan Deatherage
We are starting to look more like Washington DC than Washington, NC. It has become a dog-and-pony show of party allegiance over proper care of prisoners / public safety / money spent already with NO forward motion.

God help us. We have enough good rural horse sense not to be here, if we step back and realize some basic things:
(1) The proper care of prisoners in a safe and reasonable place is humane.
(2) We now have them housed in a wet basement where there has been Recluse Spider bites and TB quarantine in the past. No sprinkler system is there to protect human life in case of fire.
(3) Law Enforcement handling prisoners are in constant danger because of the poor and crowded conditions we were long ago told to correct.
(4) It is our fault for allowing this to go on for years. Unless the Public insists it stops and the media exposes the real issues, we have no clue of the inside details.
(5) When the K-Mart building was vacant, we had a golden opportunity to resolve every single issue at a much less cost than now.
(6) Nero fiddling while Rome burned down / the San Francisco fire come immediately to mind.

If and when we have responsible, cooperating members of the County Commissioners using the advice of the County Manager and other experts for guidance AND cooperating for the greater good ~~~ we will continue to go through Managers hired to work --- and frustrated by idiots arguing non-stop!!!

I think that before there is another meeting EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the Council should spend 48 hours there for at least / eat the same food served those being held (many awaiting trial and NOT convicted) / the Media heads of the outlets here need to join them / the major TV outlets need to film it ---- then see if we can't do something with some sense and urgency involved!!!
Commented: Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 @ 8:26 pm By: Gene Scarborough
The RINOs are promulgating the scenario that Hood are I are responsible for the many bad decisions by the Democrats and RINOs because we intimidate them.

It is probably good that I will soon no longer be a county commissioner. I'm fed up with all the lies and stupidity of others, and as someone who is no longer a public figure, I will tolerate no more of either.
Commented: Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 @ 10:49 am By: Stan Deatherage
Since nobody has the guts to do it, I will. These lame brained commissioners who are purposely making wrong decisions for our couture are playing the same game as Obama. That old, I'll get by with everything I can get by with crap. It's wrong, imorale and is going to hurt them in the future. Things always come back and bite you in the ass and their bite is comming.
Commented: Tuesday, August 5th, 2014 @ 10:41 am By: Clifton Pyle


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