Diane's Rants | Eastern North Carolina Now

This category is reserved for Diane's rants and short or fairly-short (pithy) commentary.


Diane's Rants  

This category is reserved for Diane's rants and short or fairly-short (pithy) commentary.

I believe we all have the right to worship as we please, but I also know that our country, the United States of America was founded on Christian principles.
I believe we all have the right to worship as we please, but I also know that our country, the United States of America was founded on Christian principles.
It wants open borders - to allow the uncontrolled immigration and smuggling of drugs into our country to overwhelm our system and our services and to poison and kill our children.
It wants open borders - to allow the uncontrolled immigration and smuggling of drugs into our country to overwhelm our system and our services and to poison and kill our children.
Trump took on the historic tasks of making America great again, draining the DC swamp, and returning the government to the people, as he promised in his inaugural address.
Trump took on the historic tasks of making America great again, draining the DC swamp, and returning the government to the people, as he promised in his inaugural address.
Tillis says he sees the national emergency declaration as an issue of separation of powers.
Tillis says he sees the national emergency declaration as an issue of separation of powers.
In 2017, top North Carolina Democrats Rep. Meyer, Rep. Fischer, Rep. Cunningham, Sen. Chaudhuri, Sen. Van Duyn, and Sen. Woodard sponsored a bill called the "Whole Woman's Health Act" that sought to remove most of the state's protections for women and children on abortion.
In 2017, top North Carolina Democrats Rep. Meyer, Rep. Fischer, Rep. Cunningham, Sen. Chaudhuri, Sen. Van Duyn, and Sen. Woodard sponsored a bill called the "Whole Woman's Health Act" that sought to remove most of the state's protections for women and children on abortion.
The federal courts have become political, rather apolitical, which is what they were intended to be.
The federal courts have become political, rather apolitical, which is what they were intended to be.
Wow, how did it come to this:??? How did it come to be that when one side is happy, the other is absolutely miserable and on the verge of a breakdown.
Wow, how did it come to this:??? How did it come to be that when one side is happy, the other is absolutely miserable and on the verge of a breakdown.
Yet despite the propensity of liberals and liberal/progressive activists and those identifying with the Democratic Party and those with minds poisoned by hatred against conservatives to obtain guns for the purpose of harming innocent people.
Yet despite the propensity of liberals and liberal/progressive activists and those identifying with the Democratic Party and those with minds poisoned by hatred against conservatives to obtain guns for the purpose of harming innocent people.
DC politicians make me sick. They are quite literally the most wretched of human beings. They (mostly Democrats, let's face it) refuse to act in the best interests of the country or of its citizens, but rather, act for pure political purposes only.
DC politicians make me sick. They are quite literally the most wretched of human beings. They (mostly Democrats, let's face it) refuse to act in the best interests of the country or of its citizens, but rather, act for pure political purposes only.
On Wednesday, at a bill-signing ceremony, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo commented that "America was never that great," mocking President Trump's 2016 campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."
On Wednesday, at a bill-signing ceremony, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo commented that "America was never that great," mocking President Trump's 2016 campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."
Maxine Waters needs to be impeached and removed from Congress. Her actions are detestable and unconscionable, and her conduct is unethical and un-American and unbecoming a member of the US Congress.
Maxine Waters needs to be impeached and removed from Congress. Her actions are detestable and unconscionable, and her conduct is unethical and un-American and unbecoming a member of the US Congress.
I created this meme to show my inherent trust in the leadership of President Trump.
I created this meme to show my inherent trust in the leadership of President Trump.
Trump is making America great again. But the greater challenge, as it turns out, may be to put our differences aside, put our grievances, and put our personal agendas aside, and treat each other once again with love and respect. In other words, can we be good again?
Trump is making America great again. But the greater challenge, as it turns out, may be to put our differences aside, put our grievances, and put our personal agendas aside, and treat each other once again with love and respect. In other words, can we be good again?
With all the extreme haters in Hollywierd and in the Entertainment Industry, with all their vitriolic talk and tweets, I think it's about time we call them out for what they are.
With all the extreme haters in Hollywierd and in the Entertainment Industry, with all their vitriolic talk and tweets, I think it's about time we call them out for what they are.
Whoopi Goldberg, on The View, flew into a tirade over the news that Justice Kennedy was retiring and that President Trump would be able to appoint a new Supreme Court justice.
Whoopi Goldberg, on The View, flew into a tirade over the news that Justice Kennedy was retiring and that President Trump would be able to appoint a new Supreme Court justice.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said mowing the grass could be an effective border security solution in lieu of a lengthy border wall between the United States and Mexico.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said mowing the grass could be an effective border security solution in lieu of a lengthy border wall between the United States and Mexico.
The two-party political system is destroying our country.
Nancy Pelosi goes unhinged again, making outrageous racial comments designed to mischaracterize the intentions of President Trump
Nancy Pelosi goes unhinged again, making outrageous racial comments designed to mischaracterize the intentions of President Trump
Today, President Trump declassified the Nunes' Memo, exposing to the American people the corruption in the Obama Justice Department, especially relating to the 2016 election
Today, President Trump declassified the Nunes' Memo, exposing to the American people the corruption in the Obama Justice Department, especially relating to the 2016 election
It may do us well to review what our Founding Fathers conceived as a just and suitable federal tax plan
It may do us well to review what our Founding Fathers conceived as a just and suitable federal tax plan
In a country so obsessed with civil liberties, how are even entertaining this absurd notion that speech on college campuses should be limited to protect feelings?
In a country so obsessed with civil liberties, how are even entertaining this absurd notion that speech on college campuses should be limited to protect feelings?
Members of the Military and Military Families – Take Notice of the Democrat-Led Government Shut Down and their Decision to Celebrate.
Members of the Military and Military Families – Take Notice of the Democrat-Led Government Shut Down and their Decision to Celebrate.
The Women's March of 2018 continues to shock the conscience of the conscionable in their indefensible, even joyful, position on the right to terminate any pregnancy
The Women's March of 2018 continues to shock the conscience of the conscionable in their indefensible, even joyful, position on the right to terminate any pregnancy
The Democrats define themselves further by the position they took in forcing a government shut-down.
Todd Strames tweeted that if Nancy Pelosi wants to fill the balcony with illegal immigrants, Trump should fill his side with ICE agaents!
Todd Strames tweeted that if Nancy Pelosi wants to fill the balcony with illegal immigrants, Trump should fill his side with ICE agaents!
If every conservative would pay for a brick, then President Trump wouldn't need to negotiate with Democrats on the issue of amnesty for illegals.
If every conservative would pay for a brick, then President Trump wouldn't need to negotiate with Democrats on the issue of amnesty for illegals.
The next American Revolution will center around efforts to take power away from the federal government. The government shut-down is merely our incompetent and corrupt political system at work.
The next American Revolution will center around efforts to take power away from the federal government. The government shut-down is merely our incompetent and corrupt political system at work.
Deplorable Vet tweeted to FOX News that he would be honored to occupy the seat left available by Maxine Water's decision to boycott the SOTU. Veterans should fill all unoccupied Democrat seats!!
Deplorable Vet tweeted to FOX News that he would be honored to occupy the seat left available by Maxine Water's decision to boycott the SOTU. Veterans should fill all unoccupied Democrat seats!!
The one thing I've learned during the election season of 2016 and now during this first year of the Trump presidencyis that most Americans indeed are conservative at their core and that they are not Republicans but rather Trumpians.
The one thing I've learned during the election season of 2016 and now during this first year of the Trump presidencyis that most Americans indeed are conservative at their core and that they are not Republicans but rather Trumpians.
Senator Chuck Schumer Wins the 'Dumb-Ass of the Year' Award
President Trump has promised that the won't weaponize the government shut-down the way President Obama did.
President Trump has promised that the won't weaponize the government shut-down the way President Obama did.


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