Foolishness...Or Is It? | Eastern North Carolina Now

A fresh look at the inane, if only to make sense of the subject through humor.


Foolishness...Or Is It?  

A fresh look at the inane, if only to make sense of the subject through humor.

I write a Blog. That does not mean I am smart. Miss Mental Midget is a Columnist. That does not mean she is smart.
I write a Blog. That does not mean I am smart. Miss Mental Midget is a Columnist. That does not mean she is smart.
Pro-Abortion People demand that Abortions must be Safe but Safe for whom must it be? (As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say)
Pro-Abortion People demand that Abortions must be Safe but Safe for whom must it be? (As Obi-Wan Kenobi would say)
According to the IRS the smart thing to do is to tell them if we have stolen but if we tell them we are stupid.
According to the IRS the smart thing to do is to tell them if we have stolen but if we tell them we are stupid.
If a Political Party is seen as the source income by the voters and the voters have become dependent upon that income the voters will want to keep that party in office.
If a Political Party is seen as the source income by the voters and the voters have become dependent upon that income the voters will want to keep that party in office.
You will never guess who Chris thinks would be a good Democratic Candidate in 2024.
You will never guess who Chris thinks would be a good Democratic Candidate in 2024.
We have got to save Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador!...Or do we?
We have got to save Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador!...Or do we?
She's always talking but she is not allowed to speak.
The Donald Was a Media Darling...Until He Wasn't
The Donald Was a Media Darling...Until He Wasn't
Yes, it is legal to do that. Yes, you have every right to do that. Yes, everyone does that. However, if you do that, you are a Racist.
Yes, it is legal to do that. Yes, you have every right to do that. Yes, everyone does that. However, if you do that, you are a Racist.
Should not our teachers be educated?
Should not our teachers be educated?
John is trying to make Congress to take their work seriously but he is not getting anywhere.
John is trying to make Congress to take their work seriously but he is not getting anywhere.
What Facebook is doing is easy to understand...Or is it?
What Facebook is doing is easy to understand...Or is it?
It was like a miracle. I had just heard about him but I would have known him anywhere.
It was like a miracle. I had just heard about him but I would have known him anywhere.
Our President is being maligned because of his lack of intelligence but I know that dastardly accusation is completely unfounded!
Our President is being maligned because of his lack of intelligence but I know that dastardly accusation is completely unfounded!
The Vaccines have many names but they ought to have Only One Name.
The Vaccines have many names but they ought to have Only One Name.
It is sad to imagine, if President Trump had been returned to office for another 4 years, how many times he would have been impeached.
It is sad to imagine, if President Trump had been returned to office for another 4 years, how many times he would have been impeached.
The Communist Told Us Exactly What They Intended To Do To Us
The Communist Told Us Exactly What They Intended To Do To Us
When you can't support your guy you support the other guy.
When you can't support your guy you support the other guy.
What does this election prove? Is it not obvious?
What does this election prove? Is it not obvious?
Lots of social pressure has been taken from me.
Lots of social pressure has been taken from me.
The "free" lunch is back in a big way.
If you commit a crime, you have committed a crime!
If you commit a crime, you have committed a crime!
The response to accusations of Election Fraud is constantly changing.
The response to accusations of Election Fraud is constantly changing.
Jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge is getting harder to do...Or is it?
Jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge is getting harder to do...Or is it?
Only the late John Wayne could do this and he is late.
Only the late John Wayne could do this and he is late.
As a Dustoff Pilot, I would fly out for pick-ups in the field. Each day I would see the conditions that the ground troops had to endure and I would draw comparisons to my own situation.
As a Dustoff Pilot, I would fly out for pick-ups in the field. Each day I would see the conditions that the ground troops had to endure and I would draw comparisons to my own situation.
Since when are we driven to get rid of the imperfect instead of trying to perfect the imperfect?
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