Views from the Right Seat | Eastern North Carolina Now

The opinionated musings from a Georgia Cracker, who tends to boldly know stuff that is valuable to the curious and the wise.


Views from the Right Seat  

The opinionated musings from a Georgia Cracker, who tends to boldly know stuff that is valuable to the curious and the wise.

Back in 1964 a black comedy satire movie about Right Wing unhinged Military commanders starting a nuclear war. Flash forward fifty-three years and we now have unhinged Democratic politicians hating the Russians.
Back in 1964 a black comedy satire movie about Right Wing unhinged Military commanders starting a nuclear war. Flash forward fifty-three years and we now have unhinged Democratic politicians hating the Russians.
Maybe the USA Media and Kim Jong-un should read Trump's 1987 book The Art of The Deal
Maybe the USA Media and Kim Jong-un should read Trump's 1987 book The Art of The Deal
Most boys of my generation got into a few schoolyard skirmishes. In my generation the men teachers were generally World War II veterans. Whatever the reason for the skirmish it was usually resolved with a handshake. That was part of the character building that teachers of that
Most boys of my generation got into a few schoolyard skirmishes. In my generation the men teachers were generally World War II veterans. Whatever the reason for the skirmish it was usually resolved with a handshake. That was part of the character building that teachers of that
As we approach the 4th of July, I plan on celebrating just a few short words included in the First Amendment.
As we approach the 4th of July, I plan on celebrating just a few short words included in the First Amendment.
Here is a video explanation of Canadian policy on border crossing from the Canadian official Site
Here is a video explanation of Canadian policy on border crossing from the Canadian official Site
The history of the AK47 should be taught in school
In order for a conspiracy to be valid there several cornerstone pillars required for the foundation.
In order for a conspiracy to be valid there several cornerstone pillars required for the foundation.
Caution is the byword of all signed agreements throughout history. In light of the recently signed agreement between the USA and North Korea, it is important to remember that we don't forget that SIGNED AGREEMENTS are the just the first important step in the process. Success or failure will reside
Caution is the byword of all signed agreements throughout history. In light of the recently signed agreement between the USA and North Korea, it is important to remember that we don't forget that SIGNED AGREEMENTS are the just the first important step in the process. Success or failure will reside
Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the idea that the individual is in charge over what they choose to believe or disbelieve. Nevertheless, is should come as no surprise the Russian's are trying to interfere with our elections, way of life and anything else they can disrupt for over 75 year
Somewhere along the way we seem to have lost the idea that the individual is in charge over what they choose to believe or disbelieve. Nevertheless, is should come as no surprise the Russian's are trying to interfere with our elections, way of life and anything else they can disrupt for over 75 year
One is a useful law enforcement tool, the other is an over simplification not necessarily based on reality.
One is a useful law enforcement tool, the other is an over simplification not necessarily based on reality.
One should be careful of trying to get the truth from books written shortly before, during and shortly after a man runs for President of the United States.
One should be careful of trying to get the truth from books written shortly before, during and shortly after a man runs for President of the United States.
I truly wish that our founding fathers had been a bit more clear on what they meant when writing the 2nd Amendment but numerous contemporaneous writings clearly show their intent was for individual possession and ownership of firearms.
I truly wish that our founding fathers had been a bit more clear on what they meant when writing the 2nd Amendment but numerous contemporaneous writings clearly show their intent was for individual possession and ownership of firearms.
I could be wrong on this but I think the media is over reacting once again to the provacative techniques of the Deal Maker
I could be wrong on this but I think the media is over reacting once again to the provacative techniques of the Deal Maker
My third and final Political Post for 2018
Does anyone remember when J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI. Every Politician in America was afraid of him. I often wondered why? (Well not really – It was an open secret that he had dirt
Does anyone remember when J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI. Every Politician in America was afraid of him. I often wondered why? (Well not really – It was an open secret that he had dirt
Mitt Romney may run for his seat in Utah. Oh my God, what will we do now? Will Mitt and the President get along? Will Mitt be another John McCain who looks for opportunities to stick it in the face of Donald Trump because of something he said about him during the campaign?
Mitt Romney may run for his seat in Utah. Oh my God, what will we do now? Will Mitt and the President get along? Will Mitt be another John McCain who looks for opportunities to stick it in the face of Donald Trump because of something he said about him during the campaign?
Starting or putting out a fire requires three components, So does a Political Movement
Starting or putting out a fire requires three components, So does a Political Movement
I suspect that we have all heard the phrase "The deck is Stacked." It usually is uttered by losers in any field of endeavor.
I suspect that we have all heard the phrase "The deck is Stacked." It usually is uttered by losers in any field of endeavor.
If you are old enough to have played on the playground see-saw, you no doubt know that the biggest kid can keep you up in the air all day if he wants to and there ain't much you can do about it
If you are old enough to have played on the playground see-saw, you no doubt know that the biggest kid can keep you up in the air all day if he wants to and there ain't much you can do about it
The American Character is reflected in Those we Elect or Don't Elect
The American Character is reflected in Those we Elect or Don't Elect
I just heard on the flashing image and sound contraption in my living room that President Trump has authorized the release of the John F. Kennedy assignation files. This is a major news development. I immediately opened my Iphone and went to Twitter which I use to confirm all facts these days.
I just heard on the flashing image and sound contraption in my living room that President Trump has authorized the release of the John F. Kennedy assignation files. This is a major news development. I immediately opened my Iphone and went to Twitter which I use to confirm all facts these days.
Many of the comments in this series are nothing more than random thoughts on various issues that I have still to clarify in my mind. I usually use the written form to set out my thoughts and then try to debunk or reinforce my beliefs (biases) with some research.
Many of the comments in this series are nothing more than random thoughts on various issues that I have still to clarify in my mind. I usually use the written form to set out my thoughts and then try to debunk or reinforce my beliefs (biases) with some research.
Harry Truman had his issues, particularly when it came to his daughter and their hounding of his politics. "I don't give them Hell, I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell." - Harry Truman
Harry Truman had his issues, particularly when it came to his daughter and their hounding of his politics. "I don't give them Hell, I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell." - Harry Truman
Who are the most loyal fans in the world? Could it be the Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Indians, or the Green Bay Packers fans? I guess it all depends on how you measure loyalty.
Who are the most loyal fans in the world? Could it be the Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Indians, or the Green Bay Packers fans? I guess it all depends on how you measure loyalty.
There has been a lot of talk lately about loyalty. It used to be considered a good trait to have in a friend or co-worker. One of the earliest lessons, I learned in my industrial sales life was that most of my customers were in fact customers and not friends.
There has been a lot of talk lately about loyalty. It used to be considered a good trait to have in a friend or co-worker. One of the earliest lessons, I learned in my industrial sales life was that most of my customers were in fact customers and not friends.
Sometimes the comment section turns into a longer discussion which would be better expressed as a stand along article
Sometimes the comment section turns into a longer discussion which would be better expressed as a stand along article
A review of Music, Movie, Life or Politics, You be the judge. Back in 1963 when I was a hopeless romantic, I saw a movie that told me all I needed to know about life.


A review of Music, Movie, Life or Politics, You be the judge. Back in 1963 when I was a hopeless romantic, I saw a movie that told me all I needed to know about life.
We are right on the cusp of a mile race but have only completed the first 100 yards (days), so it may be a bit premature to declare a winner. But what do I know, I had to quit sports and go to work and they may have altered the course length since 1960.
We are right on the cusp of a mile race but have only completed the first 100 yards (days), so it may be a bit premature to declare a winner. But what do I know, I had to quit sports and go to work and they may have altered the course length since 1960.
If you are like me, you probably hate what has come to be known as "Click Bait." That is when you see a title so outrageous that you click on it to see what the hell extreme about the subject.
If you are like me, you probably hate what has come to be known as "Click Bait." That is when you see a title so outrageous that you click on it to see what the hell extreme about the subject.
Bandannas and the First Amendment - What have you got to fear if all you are doing is free speech?
Bandannas and the First Amendment - What have you got to fear if all you are doing is free speech?
Maybe I am just a bit picky on this issue, but it seems to me that we are desperately searching for a point when we start looking for a hidden meaning for every action.
Maybe I am just a bit picky on this issue, but it seems to me that we are desperately searching for a point when we start looking for a hidden meaning for every action.
If I understand the current law regarding our intelligence agencies ability to legally conduce surveillance, it is broken down into two categories.
If I understand the current law regarding our intelligence agencies ability to legally conduce surveillance, it is broken down into two categories.
Answer: When the majority are Republicans. They can't be herded together just for the sake of a win.
Answer: When the majority are Republicans. They can't be herded together just for the sake of a win.
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