Far Left of Center | Eastern North Carolina Now

This is the place where Gene Scarborough finds the motivation to project his finest opinions on exactly how he feels on issues. We'll give you a hint: He really does not appreciate the efforts of Conservatives. Gene embraces the Liberal's penchant for group-think and is increasingly proud of it.


Far Left of Center  

This is the place where Gene Scarborough finds the motivation to project his finest opinions on exactly how he feels on issues. We'll give you a hint: He really does not appreciate the efforts of Conservatives.

Gene embraces the Liberal's penchant for group-think and is increasingly proud of it.

W-e-e-e-l-l-l dogies --- I feel like "The Day The Earth Stood Still" has come to pass today. Who wudda' thunk it???
W-e-e-e-l-l-l dogies --- I feel like "The Day The Earth Stood Still" has come to pass today. Who wudda' thunk it???
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Diane Rufino proposes a solution to the Social Security problem, by asking Congress to legislatively define SS as a property right
Since my childhood, the horror of trying to feel superior by putting down anyone else has been pointed out to me as a travesty of society everywhere.
Since my childhood, the horror of trying to feel superior by putting down anyone else has been pointed out to me as a travesty of society everywhere.
Ever since Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson formed their political groups and began to consciously influence US politics, we have had a problem.
Ever since Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson formed their political groups and began to consciously influence US politics, we have had a problem.
Eric Cantor is a young Virginia Republican who is wise beyond his years.
Eric Cantor is a young Virginia Republican who is wise beyond his years.
Lest you are going to assume I am saying the Pope forced the Speaker of the House (3rd in line as President), you are jumping to far too much a conclusion about a so-called "liberal."
Lest you are going to assume I am saying the Pope forced the Speaker of the House (3rd in line as President), you are jumping to far too much a conclusion about a so-called "liberal."
Mike Huckabee was a large church pastor in Arkansas who has become governor since. He and Jerry Falwell are theological and political twins. They believe in a thorough mixing of Church and State with only the Fundamentalist view of the Bible and Christian religion in charge.
Mike Huckabee was a large church pastor in Arkansas who has become governor since. He and Jerry Falwell are theological and political twins. They believe in a thorough mixing of Church and State with only the Fundamentalist view of the Bible and Christian religion in charge.
As I write this the BOEM (Bureau of Energy Management) is advocating for our offshore oil in the depths of the Graveyard of the Atlantic and adjacent to both the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream.
As I write this the BOEM (Bureau of Energy Management) is advocating for our offshore oil in the depths of the Graveyard of the Atlantic and adjacent to both the Outer Banks and Gulf Stream.
After months of wrangling us taxpayers now know how our money is to be spent and collected.
After months of wrangling us taxpayers now know how our money is to be spent and collected.
he price of leadership is that now you are in a spotlight for all to judge you---for better or worse. Freedom of Speech is a hallmark of America that lets us criticize until the cows come home.
he price of leadership is that now you are in a spotlight for all to judge you---for better or worse. Freedom of Speech is a hallmark of America that lets us criticize until the cows come home.
Last night I got some devastating news about one of my best Beaufort County friends, Jimmy Moore who is the long time Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Washington, NC.
Last night I got some devastating news about one of my best Beaufort County friends, Jimmy Moore who is the long time Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Washington, NC.
A few days ago an investigative reporter did a look back on the history of businessman, Donald Trump
A few days ago an investigative reporter did a look back on the history of businessman, Donald Trump
The Democrat party, led by their Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz tacitly endorses this position by proxy as they have only recently endorsed Black Lives Matter, and their bizarrely racist behavior.
The Democrat party, led by their Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz tacitly endorses this position by proxy as they have only recently endorsed Black Lives Matter, and their bizarrely racist behavior.
Old Stories from the Bible tell great TRUTHS. Do you remember Lot going to the big cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Old Stories from the Bible tell great TRUTHS. Do you remember Lot going to the big cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
The prime example of Tax Avoidance is Wal Mart. Their recent and best scheme yet is their new creation of Shell Corps in another Country which fosters Tax Hiding of Assets.
The prime example of Tax Avoidance is Wal Mart. Their recent and best scheme yet is their new creation of Shell Corps in another Country which fosters Tax Hiding of Assets.
I once had a Toy Fox Terrier with the coloring of a Doberman. In his mind he was as big as a Doberman!
I once had a Toy Fox Terrier with the coloring of a Doberman. In his mind he was as big as a Doberman!
Two of the most prominent liberals in the Senate have joined forces to take on the big banks as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has announced that he is teaming up with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to co-sponsor her bill that would reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act.
Two of the most prominent liberals in the Senate have joined forces to take on the big banks as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has announced that he is teaming up with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to co-sponsor her bill that would reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act.
The core of the criticism of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is sending emails in violation of National Security.
The core of the criticism of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is sending emails in violation of National Security.
It has been 2 weeks since the "Great Republican Debate" and the froth and blow is going strong.
It has been 2 weeks since the "Great Republican Debate" and the froth and blow is going strong.
The fine article from my friend, Bobby Tony, deserves some observations. In some respects I totally agree. On others I total disagree. Several other need illustrating . . .
The fine article from my friend, Bobby Tony, deserves some observations. In some respects I totally agree. On others I total disagree. Several other need illustrating . . .
The Cuban Missile Crisis was the first time in my experience a nuclear bomb threat came into my life for real.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was the first time in my experience a nuclear bomb threat came into my life for real.
The Nuclear Arms Treaty with Iraq is not getting the kind of public notice or disclosure of deatils we would all like to have. This morning the above report is up!
The Nuclear Arms Treaty with Iraq is not getting the kind of public notice or disclosure of deatils we would all like to have. This morning the above report is up!
From the beginning of the story of man in Genesis, there has been a major area exposed: Does God run the show or does man?
From the beginning of the story of man in Genesis, there has been a major area exposed: Does God run the show or does man?
It has the video of what the history and purpose of controlling nuclear weapons has been since the 1950's.
It has the video of what the history and purpose of controlling nuclear weapons has been since the 1950's.
Yesterday the political discussion shows of Sunday morning were consumed with THE FIRST DEBATE scheduled for Thursday this week.
Yesterday the political discussion shows of Sunday morning were consumed with THE FIRST DEBATE scheduled for Thursday this week.
Clump and Gump were their last names. They were born right after the Second World War. The entire country had been in a struggle to fund both war and civilian living at the same time.
Clump and Gump were their last names. They were born right after the Second World War. The entire country had been in a struggle to fund both war and civilian living at the same time.
The lead story alongside the Great Republican Debate is of a child being handcuffed with ADHD --- and now there is a lawsuit over it
The lead story alongside the Great Republican Debate is of a child being handcuffed with ADHD --- and now there is a lawsuit over it
Let's take a giant leap into the present of 2015 and see what we have on religious society.
Let's take a giant leap into the present of 2015 and see what we have on religious society.
I am from Georgia and knew Jimmy Carter when he was Governor. He changed little upon moving to become President of this great nation.
I am from Georgia and knew Jimmy Carter when he was Governor. He changed little upon moving to become President of this great nation.
Jesus used the image of wine to convey a basic concept of who he was and what he was here to do.
Jesus used the image of wine to convey a basic concept of who he was and what he was here to do.
Someone has said the real measure of a man's ministry is what happens when he leaves.
Someone has said the real measure of a man's ministry is what happens when he leaves.
Man is a social creature with a pecking order.
Let me see if I can clarify some things about life and society as we struggle to get along in 2015.
Let me see if I can clarify some things about life and society as we struggle to get along in 2015.
This has been one of the most trying months in America leading up to July 4. We have the tragic shooting in SC with their Legislature now debating whether to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from their complex.
This has been one of the most trying months in America leading up to July 4. We have the tragic shooting in SC with their Legislature now debating whether to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from their complex.
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