A Commissioner's View | Eastern North Carolina Now

We will provide an opinion, through the experience of 4 term county commissioner Stan Deatherage, that will provide an insider's approach to problem solving through governing.


A Commissioner's View  

We will provide an opinion, through the experience of 4 term county commissioner Stan Deatherage, that will provide an insider's approach to problem solving through governing.


On Monday, May 6, 2024, at the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Stan Deatherage sponsored the Constitutional right of a Beaufort County citizen "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
On Monday, May 6, 2024, at the Beaufort County Commissioners' general meeting, Commissioner Stan Deatherage sponsored the Constitutional right of a Beaufort County citizen "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
North Carolina's Rate Bureau has requested for 2024 an annual increase of 42.2%, whereby North Carolina's Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has exhibited a great willingness to take a firm stand against such an exorbitant increase.
North Carolina's Rate Bureau has requested for 2024 an annual increase of 42.2%, whereby North Carolina's Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey has exhibited a great willingness to take a firm stand against such an exorbitant increase.
I reckon one could always argue that ignorance rests in the eyes of the beholder, but, I'm not taking that bet ... not in these Orwellian times, when so few of our fellow travelers know so little of what is real, and far too much of what otherwise might be terminally fake.
I reckon one could always argue that ignorance rests in the eyes of the beholder, but, I'm not taking that bet ... not in these Orwellian times, when so few of our fellow travelers know so little of what is real, and far too much of what otherwise might be terminally fake.
North Carolina Treasury Secretary Dale Folwell, and now, challenging for the seat of North Carolina's governor visits with Eastern North Carolina NOW's publisher, Stan Deatherage, to discuss the multiple jobs of the Secretary, his commitment to performance, and that lurking elected position hence.
North Carolina Treasury Secretary Dale Folwell, and now, challenging for the seat of North Carolina's governor visits with Eastern North Carolina NOW's publisher, Stan Deatherage, to discuss the multiple jobs of the Secretary, his commitment to performance, and that lurking elected position hence.
As a youth growing up in a United States of America that understood the pain of sacrifice, the remembrance of Pearl Harbor was an annual event.
As a youth growing up in a United States of America that understood the pain of sacrifice, the remembrance of Pearl Harbor was an annual event.
As a multi term county commissioner and a media journalist-by-default seer, I have been at the tip of the spear for decades regarding the direction of our community, our state, our nation, and our current demise did not begin with the Biden "election."
As a multi term county commissioner and a media journalist-by-default seer, I have been at the tip of the spear for decades regarding the direction of our community, our state, our nation, and our current demise did not begin with the Biden "election."
Beaufort County's Commissioners will be asked to support School Choice completely as an ideal in the educational process, dedicated to evolve to better serve the entire public.
Beaufort County's Commissioners will be asked to support School Choice completely as an ideal in the educational process, dedicated to evolve to better serve the entire public.
Idiot President Biden has taken an intractable position to allow, endorse and facilitate the advancement of Illegal Immigration to further the political aspirations of Non Patriot Left, or for their Personal Profit.
Idiot President Biden has taken an intractable position to allow, endorse and facilitate the advancement of Illegal Immigration to further the political aspirations of Non Patriot Left, or for their Personal Profit.
On Monday night, August 7, 2023, the Beaufort County Commissioners will consider a Resolution in Defense of Election Integrity.
On Monday night, August 7, 2023, the Beaufort County Commissioners will consider a Resolution in Defense of Election Integrity.
The Beaufort County Commissioners meet each month for one general meeting to do most of the People's business here in Beaufort County, and we present that meeting in full review here on ENC NOW.
The Beaufort County Commissioners meet each month for one general meeting to do most of the People's business here in Beaufort County, and we present that meeting in full review here on ENC NOW.
On Monday, January 9, 2023, Beaufort Commissioner Stan Deatherage, at the behest of his many constituents, will present to the Beaufort County Commissioner a resolution calling for their support of a beneficial education for a productive citizenry.
On Monday, January 9, 2023, Beaufort Commissioner Stan Deatherage, at the behest of his many constituents, will present to the Beaufort County Commissioner a resolution calling for their support of a beneficial education for a productive citizenry.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the day-to-day leader of Saudi Arabia, reportedly mocks President Joe Biden (D) behind his back and questions his mental fitness for office.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the day-to-day leader of Saudi Arabia, reportedly mocks President Joe Biden (D) behind his back and questions his mental fitness for office.
Candidates Forum: Beaufort County Commissioner Candidates
Did Beaufort County Commissioner Frankie Waters vote to make it possible for Illegal Migrants to receive Beaufort County taxpayer assistance?
The issue of spending many millions of taxpayer dollars to build a new Beaufort County jail is again raising its head.
Beaufort County's Commissioners, by the slimmest of bounds demanding any semblance of intellectual moral authority, did pass a "Border" resolution of great importance.
Crime is becoming a much bigger concern to our citizens. Under Democrat polices, crime is on the rise in America.
And in this sordid mix: Do you know where your Beaufort County Commissioners stand on this crucial issue?
As a Fiscal Conservative, I have always made it my goal, as a county commissioner, to hold spending down to keep our taxes low.
The Beaufort County Commissioners meet each month for one general meeting to do most of the People's business here in Beaufort County, and we present that meeting in full review here on ENC NOW.
The Beaufort County Commissioners meet each month for one general meeting to do most of the People's business here in Beaufort County, and we present that meeting in full review here on ENC NOW.
Many of you know, but for those of you that don't, I wish to introduce myself.
Everyone is either a member of a family, or has close association with a family that is forced to shelter a pathetic character, ignobly tolerated; a family member that exists only to be a monumental embarrassment on their best days; their worst days are horror stories.
Everyone is either a member of a family, or has close association with a family that is forced to shelter a pathetic character, ignobly tolerated; a family member that exists only to be a monumental embarrassment on their best days; their worst days are horror stories.
A growing concern that has been expressed to me in the past, and quite a bit more recently, is that the bidding process in Beaufort County Government needs to be replaced by a more transparent process; one that favors the sense of fairness, while projecting a perspective of fiduciary obligation.
A growing concern that has been expressed to me in the past, and quite a bit more recently, is that the bidding process in Beaufort County Government needs to be replaced by a more transparent process; one that favors the sense of fairness, while projecting a perspective of fiduciary obligation.
Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 31 2022, to continue the budgeting process, where the professed "Progressives" moved expediently to spend unwisely the People's money.
Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 31 2022, to continue the budgeting process, where the professed "Progressives" moved expediently to spend unwisely the People's money.
Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 31 2022, to continue the budgeting process, and it got weird real fast if one knows the history within the politics of governing Beaufort County.
Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 31 2022, to continue the budgeting process, and it got weird real fast if one knows the history within the politics of governing Beaufort County.
Beaufort County's Commissioners wrapped up the people's budget after a feigned attempt at some deliberations; none, however, were intended to be constructive by the majority.
Beaufort County's Commissioners wrapped up the people's budget after a feigned attempt at some deliberations; none, however, were intended to be constructive by the majority.
Beaufort County's Commissioners met in a special session, May 31 2022, to continue the budgeting process that eventually leads to the ratification of fiscal budget for 2022 /2023.
Beaufort County Government raises money by taxation to provide government for the People of our community. Your local government raises that money through a statutory provision known as the Machinery Act, which gives your government the Police Power to annually take your property.`
Beaufort County Government raises money by taxation to provide government for the People of our community. Your local government raises that money through a statutory provision known as the Machinery Act, which gives your government the Police Power to annually take your property.`
Not so much with Frankie Waters - Beaufort County's greatest Republican interloper - if one judges how he has voted on this pivotal fundamental republican issue, which guides one to simply consider: Why does Frankie continue to vote in support of Democratic Socialist values?
Not so much with Frankie Waters - Beaufort County's greatest Republican interloper - if one judges how he has voted on this pivotal fundamental republican issue, which guides one to simply consider: Why does Frankie continue to vote in support of Democratic Socialist values?
Beaufort County citizens have a voice in this self-governing conundrum of these States United, and it must not be canceled, or held politically hostage by the false problems promoted by the Democratic Socialists, whose purpose is to destroy this Representative Republic.
Beaufort County citizens have a voice in this self-governing conundrum of these States United, and it must not be canceled, or held politically hostage by the false problems promoted by the Democratic Socialists, whose purpose is to destroy this Representative Republic.
Beaufort County's Budgeting process begins with the Great and Annual Beaufort County Commissioner Retreat, where the Commissioners are told and shown and tasked to acknowledge just how much of the public's money is necessary to keep their government afloat.
Beaufort County's Budgeting process begins with the Great and Annual Beaufort County Commissioner Retreat, where the Commissioners are told and shown and tasked to acknowledge just how much of the public's money is necessary to keep their government afloat.
BCN's "What's Happening NOW" is thrilled, once again, to meet with Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson and discuss, with BCN publisher and County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, the business of Beaufort County's government.
BCN's "What's Happening NOW" is thrilled, once again, to meet with Beaufort County Commissioner Hood Richardson and discuss, with BCN publisher and County Commissioner Stan Deatherage, the business of Beaufort County's government.
I am now discovering that there is a new local political movement afoot to cast aspersions against me as a Beaufort County commissioner and as a service provider of extreme quality, even saying that my company is the "Webmaster" for the county site, which is false.
I am now discovering that there is a new local political movement afoot to cast aspersions against me as a Beaufort County commissioner and as a service provider of extreme quality, even saying that my company is the "Webmaster" for the county site, which is false.
Is 'three times in a row a charm' in the tax raising business here in Beaufort County? Nonetheless, its government's majority believes that yet another tax raise in three consecutive years suits its citizens just fine; so charmed we must be.
Is 'three times in a row a charm' in the tax raising business here in Beaufort County? Nonetheless, its government's majority believes that yet another tax raise in three consecutive years suits its citizens just fine; so charmed we must be.
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