From the Senate Floor | Eastern North Carolina Now

North Carolina Senator Thom Goolsby takes a few moments out his busy day to let us know just what is on his mind.


From the Senate Floor  

North Carolina Senator Thom Goolsby takes a few moments out his busy day to let us know just what is on his mind.

To our state's shame, North Carolina ranks number eight in the nation for sex trafficking.
To our state's shame, North Carolina ranks number eight in the nation for sex trafficking.
There's a revolution coming in this country. A growing majority of ordinary people (i.e., not the political elite) are simply fed up with government the way it has been operating the last few years, by both political parties.
There's a revolution coming in this country. A growing majority of ordinary people (i.e., not the political elite) are simply fed up with government the way it has been operating the last few years, by both political parties.
Absurd headlines are springing up in newspapers all across North Carolina stating: "Tax Credit Costs $336 Million in State Revenue."
Absurd headlines are springing up in newspapers all across North Carolina stating: "Tax Credit Costs $336 Million in State Revenue."
The UNC academic fraud scandal is like a pesky staph infection that just won't go away for university officials - nor should it.
The UNC academic fraud scandal is like a pesky staph infection that just won't go away for university officials - nor should it.
Most North Carolinians are painfully aware of how grim the ongoing recession has been for our state. However, few know about our oppressive Third World debt owed to the federal government for money borrowed to pay benefits to unemployed workers.
Most North Carolinians are painfully aware of how grim the ongoing recession has been for our state. However, few know about our oppressive Third World debt owed to the federal government for money borrowed to pay benefits to unemployed workers.
Mahatma Gandhi is remembered as a man of peace because of his nonviolent revolution that ended British rule of India.
Mahatma Gandhi is remembered as a man of peace because of his nonviolent revolution that ended British rule of India.
If Beverly Perdue is not the worst governor in North Carolina's long history, she is at least the worst in recent memory. She even managed to surpass her predecessor, convicted felon Mike Easley.
If Beverly Perdue is not the worst governor in North Carolina's long history, she is at least the worst in recent memory. She even managed to surpass her predecessor, convicted felon Mike Easley.
Well before Gov. Pat McCrory was sworn into office, the leftist mainstream press battered him for not being bipartisan enough.
Well before Gov. Pat McCrory was sworn into office, the leftist mainstream press battered him for not being bipartisan enough.
"We have the opportunity to transform our culture of government through a top-to-bottom assessment of efficiency, effectiveness and more than anything else, a culture of customer service." These were the most important words of Governor Pat McCrory's inaugural address.
"We have the opportunity to transform our culture of government through a top-to-bottom assessment of efficiency, effectiveness and more than anything else, a culture of customer service." These were the most important words of Governor Pat McCrory's inaugural address.
Many constitutionalists, libertarians and conservatives are justifiably angry with President Obama due to his recent executive decrees regarding firearms.
Many constitutionalists, libertarians and conservatives are justifiably angry with President Obama due to his recent executive decrees regarding firearms.
Do you know what happens in North Carolina if a government board, agency or commission refuses to obey the state's sunshine laws requiring open meetings and records? Absolutely nothing!
Do you know what happens in North Carolina if a government board, agency or commission refuses to obey the state's sunshine laws requiring open meetings and records? Absolutely nothing!
There is an old saying, “A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn’t like the tune.” After years of mismanagement, our state’s economy is weighed down by $2.5 billion owed to Washington for our unemployment insurance debt.
There is an old saying, “A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn’t like the tune.” After years of mismanagement, our state’s economy is weighed down by $2.5 billion owed to Washington for our unemployment insurance debt.
Have the Republicans lost their minds by rejecting Medicaid expansion? "Yes" is the answer, according to liberal Democrats and their allied editorial writers across the state.
Have the Republicans lost their minds by rejecting Medicaid expansion? "Yes" is the answer, according to liberal Democrats and their allied editorial writers across the state.
Last week, this column broke the fact that North Carolina ranks at the top (number 11) in state-level spending on education. Although the Tar Heel State ranks 45th on overall spending on education, it has nothing to do with any policy promulgated by the General Assembly.
Last week, this column broke the fact that North Carolina ranks at the top (number 11) in state-level spending on education. Although the Tar Heel State ranks 45th on overall spending on education, it has nothing to do with any policy promulgated by the General Assembly.
Straight ticket voting is the poster child for voter laziness and apathy.
With a wink and a nod, the left-wing media continues to help push the deceptive agenda of the teachers union (NCAE) in the Tar Heel State. It is readily apparent that neither the NCAE nor the media support real educational reform in North Carolina.
With a wink and a nod, the left-wing media continues to help push the deceptive agenda of the teachers union (NCAE) in the Tar Heel State. It is readily apparent that neither the NCAE nor the media support real educational reform in North Carolina.
For all those who scream, "There is no voter fraud in North Carolina!" the silence was deafening after the latest revelation from the State Board of Elections (SBOE) regarding online voter registration during the 2012 election season.
For all those who scream, "There is no voter fraud in North Carolina!" the silence was deafening after the latest revelation from the State Board of Elections (SBOE) regarding online voter registration during the 2012 election season.
As the debate rages over photo voter ID, it is fascinating to listen to the arguments against the proposed law. The opposition continues to repeat the same old lines used back in 2005 when Georgia passed a similar photo ID bill.
As the debate rages over photo voter ID, it is fascinating to listen to the arguments against the proposed law. The opposition continues to repeat the same old lines used back in 2005 when Georgia passed a similar photo ID bill.
Despite having 152 convicted murderers on death row, North Carolina has not conducted an execution since 2006.
Despite having 152 convicted murderers on death row, North Carolina has not conducted an execution since 2006.
Government has truly become Big Daddy in many people's minds. Nothing proves this claim more than recent arguments on the floor of the North Carolina Senate regarding SB 594.
Government has truly become Big Daddy in many people's minds. Nothing proves this claim more than recent arguments on the floor of the North Carolina Senate regarding SB 594.
Vladimir Lenin said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Professional educrats (education bureaucrats) and their buddies in the mainstream media have taken this quote to heart.
Vladimir Lenin said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth." Professional educrats (education bureaucrats) and their buddies in the mainstream media have taken this quote to heart.
A human face was put on sex trafficking in a recent Senate Judiciary 1 committee meeting. Anna, a young lady who was the victim of sex trafficking when she was a teenager, gave powerful testimony before the committee.
A human face was put on sex trafficking in a recent Senate Judiciary 1 committee meeting. Anna, a young lady who was the victim of sex trafficking when she was a teenager, gave powerful testimony before the committee.
North Carolina businesses have struggled mightily against the 15,000+ new regulations, amendments and rules that have been implemented in our state over the past decade. Our high unemployment rate and stagnant growth are proof that you cannot regulate an economy into riches.
North Carolina businesses have struggled mightily against the 15,000+ new regulations, amendments and rules that have been implemented in our state over the past decade. Our high unemployment rate and stagnant growth are proof that you cannot regulate an economy into riches.
The Democrat complaint list goes on and on against photo voter ID in North Carolina: voter suppression, new Jim Crow laws, onerous requirements for college students to cast ballots, etc.
The Democrat complaint list goes on and on against photo voter ID in North Carolina: voter suppression, new Jim Crow laws, onerous requirements for college students to cast ballots, etc.
Attorney General Roy Cooper's recent dog and pony show was an embarrassment to his office. Cooper had gotten wind that Senate budget writers were planning to transfer the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) from Cooper's control to the Department of Public Safety (DPS).
Attorney General Roy Cooper's recent dog and pony show was an embarrassment to his office. Cooper had gotten wind that Senate budget writers were planning to transfer the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) from Cooper's control to the Department of Public Safety (DPS).
"The prosecutor is a racist and the first-degree, cold-blooded killer is a victim." This two-part statement is the claim of every legal appeal under the ill-conceived Racial Justice Act (RJA).
"The prosecutor is a racist and the first-degree, cold-blooded killer is a victim." This two-part statement is the claim of every legal appeal under the ill-conceived Racial Justice Act (RJA).
The circus came to the State Capitol this week, complete with clowns, a carnival barker and a sideshow.
The circus came to the State Capitol this week, complete with clowns, a carnival barker and a sideshow.
When Republicans fought hard this session to stop sex trafficking in our state, little was heard from so-called women's rights advocates.
When Republicans fought hard this session to stop sex trafficking in our state, little was heard from so-called women's rights advocates.
For good reason, the Racial Justice Act (RJA) was recently repealed by the North Carolina General Assembly.
For good reason, the Racial Justice Act (RJA) was recently repealed by the North Carolina General Assembly.
High taxes have stifled North Carolina's economic growth for decades. The Tar Heel State has the highest taxes in the Southeast and ranks 44th as the worst state in the country for business, according to the Tax Foundation.
High taxes have stifled North Carolina's economic growth for decades. The Tar Heel State has the highest taxes in the Southeast and ranks 44th as the worst state in the country for business, according to the Tax Foundation.
Several weeks ago I penned a column where I referred to the weekly protests by political leftists at the General Assembly as "Moron Monday." I was completely off base and now realize my mistake.
Several weeks ago I penned a column where I referred to the weekly protests by political leftists at the General Assembly as "Moron Monday." I was completely off base and now realize my mistake.


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