My Spin | Eastern North Carolina Now

"My Spin" is the creation of media impresario Tom Campbell, who has plied his craft in communication delivery systems of: newspapers, television and television. Now Impressario Campbell tries on the Internet, via Beaufort County NOWw, and our sister NOWs. Check in from time to time, and get an idea just what is Tom's current "spin."


My Spin  

"My Spin" is the creation of media impresario Tom Campbell, who has plied his craft in communication delivery systems of: newspapers, television and television.

Now Impressario Campbell tries on the Internet, via Beaufort County NOWw, and our sister NOWs.

Check in from time to time, and get an idea just what is Tom's current "spin."

What would happen if, just before the tip-off to a basketball game, the referees announced that they were awarding one of the teams a 15-point lead at the beginning of the game?
What would happen if, just before the tip-off to a basketball game, the referees announced that they were awarding one of the teams a 15-point lead at the beginning of the game?
I’ve put off writing about the 2024 elections as long as I can, but with the “Super Tuesday” Primary election in 14 states a month away, we need to check in.
I’ve put off writing about the 2024 elections as long as I can, but with the “Super Tuesday” Primary election in 14 states a month away, we need to check in.
My recent column about North Carolina’s “First in Freedom” claim established the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. But now, as legendary broadcaster Paul Harvey frequently said, you’re going to hear “the rest of the story.”
My recent column about North Carolina’s “First in Freedom” claim established the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. But now, as legendary broadcaster Paul Harvey frequently said, you’re going to hear “the rest of the story.”
“First in Freedom,” our state license plates proclaim. Is this claim true?
“First in Freedom,” our state license plates proclaim. Is this claim true?
Jim Martin was the most underappreciated governor in our state’s modern history.
Jim Martin was the most underappreciated governor in our state’s modern history.
No sooner had the sun gone down Christmas day than everyone started greeting you with “Happy New Year.” But will 2024 be happy?
No sooner had the sun gone down Christmas day than everyone started greeting you with “Happy New Year.” But will 2024 be happy?
Here’s my parting message for the year: “23 skidoo.” Readers “of a certain age,” know this early 20th century slang expression.
Here’s my parting message for the year: “23 skidoo.” Readers “of a certain age,” know this early 20th century slang expression.
As we prepare to turn the page on another year, we are reminded we are a year older.
As we prepare to turn the page on another year, we are reminded we are a year older.
There’s no better example of community spirit than a small-town Christmas Parade.
There’s no better example of community spirit than a small-town Christmas Parade.
One can only imagine what will happen in a second presidency of Donald Trump. One of the more frightening possibilities is the abuse of power in handing out pardons like gum drops to cronies, who pledge fealty to Caesar in return.
One can only imagine what will happen in a second presidency of Donald Trump. One of the more frightening possibilities is the abuse of power in handing out pardons like gum drops to cronies, who pledge fealty to Caesar in return.
We were invited to attend the meeting of Pamlico Partners for Democracy, a group concerned about current threats to Democracy.
We were invited to attend the meeting of Pamlico Partners for Democracy, a group concerned about current threats to Democracy.
We picked up our Boykin Spaniel in Florence, South Carolina. The name already given her was “Karma.” The irony of the name was that the day we picked her up was the same day of Donald Trump’s first indictment.


We picked up our Boykin Spaniel in Florence, South Carolina. The name already given her was “Karma.” The irony of the name was that the day we picked her up was the same day of Donald Trump’s first indictment.
In my darkest imagination, I see Donald Trump on Inauguration Day 2025. He is smug as he places his hand on the Bible and pledges his oath to uphold the Constitution.
In my darkest imagination, I see Donald Trump on Inauguration Day 2025. He is smug as he places his hand on the Bible and pledges his oath to uphold the Constitution.
More and more frequently I am asked: What can we do when our legislature doesn’t pass laws not supported by the majority, favoring instead the minority?
More and more frequently I am asked: What can we do when our legislature doesn’t pass laws not supported by the majority, favoring instead the minority?
A friend gave us an insulated mug with a clever cartoon saying, “Happy Hallothanksmus.”
A friend gave us an insulated mug with a clever cartoon saying, “Happy Hallothanksmus.”
I don’t recognize North Carolina today. It is not the state I’ve loved and lived in all my life. We’ve changed from being “where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great” to a state where we select the ones we choose to hate.
I don’t recognize North Carolina today. It is not the state I’ve loved and lived in all my life. We’ve changed from being “where the weak grow strong, and the strong grow great” to a state where we select the ones we choose to hate.
In Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign he asked the voters one question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? It’s worth asking now.
In Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign he asked the voters one question: Are you better off today than you were four years ago? It’s worth asking now.
New House Speaker Mike Johnson, speaking to the press after the horrific shooting in Lewiston, Maine said, “our thoughts and prayers are with the people. I’m gonna leave it there.” Then he walked away from the reporters, leaving much unanswered.
New House Speaker Mike Johnson, speaking to the press after the horrific shooting in Lewiston, Maine said, “our thoughts and prayers are with the people. I’m gonna leave it there.” Then he walked away from the reporters, leaving much unanswered.
Two recent headlines grabbed my attention. The first was the announcement that Toyota, having already announced a major project to build batteries for electric vehicles in Randolph County, has expanded their plans.
Two recent headlines grabbed my attention. The first was the announcement that Toyota, having already announced a major project to build batteries for electric vehicles in Randolph County, has expanded their plans.
The new redistricted congressional and legislative maps passed by our legislature are not surprising to those who have followed this hyper partisan General Assembly.
The new redistricted congressional and legislative maps passed by our legislature are not surprising to those who have followed this hyper partisan General Assembly.
I recently attended a forum discussing the future of elections in North Carolina. During a break, someone commented on my rants about legislative shenanigans, asking my assessment of the current General Assembly. I rambled a bit, but do remember mentioning the terms “historic,” and “power grab.”
I recently attended a forum discussing the future of elections in North Carolina. During a break, someone commented on my rants about legislative shenanigans, asking my assessment of the current General Assembly. I rambled a bit, but do remember mentioning the terms “historic,” and “power grab.”
Our world expanded in the 1950s as television brought news and events from around the world into our living rooms.
Our world expanded in the 1950s as television brought news and events from around the world into our living rooms.
While we digest the ousting of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy it might be informative to know that North Carolina was the first in the modern era to oust a Speaker. We can learn from that history.
While we digest the ousting of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy it might be informative to know that North Carolina was the first in the modern era to oust a Speaker. We can learn from that history.
The budget our legislature has passed is the cherry on top of the upside-down power grab cake our lawmakers have been baking since January.
The budget our legislature has passed is the cherry on top of the upside-down power grab cake our lawmakers have been baking since January.
The old proverb states that April showers bring May Flowers. So, what does August heat bring? Answer: Huge electric bills. My July bill was so high I was convinced my meter was broken and called to get a service person to my house.
The old proverb states that April showers bring May Flowers. So, what does August heat bring? Answer: Huge electric bills. My July bill was so high I was convinced my meter was broken and called to get a service person to my house.
The old aphorism was never truer, “laws are like sausages. It’s best not to see them being made.” The big news this week has been the state budget and why, almost three months late, it hasn’t passed.
The old aphorism was never truer, “laws are like sausages. It’s best not to see them being made.” The big news this week has been the state budget and why, almost three months late, it hasn’t passed.
School bells are ringing across North Carolina. Children are having backpacks blessed. Seniors are driving decorated cars around neighborhoods to the school parking lot. Excitement rises as the back-to-school rituals crank up.
School bells are ringing across North Carolina. Children are having backpacks blessed. Seniors are driving decorated cars around neighborhoods to the school parking lot. Excitement rises as the back-to-school rituals crank up.
We now know most, if not all, the candidates who will compete in the March 5th Primary Elections for Governor.
We now know most, if not all, the candidates who will compete in the March 5th Primary Elections for Governor.
Our legislature continues to dance to the tunes played by ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council.
Our legislature continues to dance to the tunes played by ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council.
She woke up Monday morning complaining about feeling “kinda punk.” After breakfast I found her on the front porch wrapped in a blanket, shivering in the 90-degree temperature.
She woke up Monday morning complaining about feeling “kinda punk.” After breakfast I found her on the front porch wrapped in a blanket, shivering in the 90-degree temperature.
Those who follow our legislature know that each session usually has one or two initiatives for which it becomes known.
Those who follow our legislature know that each session usually has one or two initiatives for which it becomes known.
I loved when the fair came to town. Rides, good food, exhibits, not to mention the “hoochie koochie” show.
I loved when the fair came to town. Rides, good food, exhibits, not to mention the “hoochie koochie” show.
Lincoln said you can fool some of the people all of the time, the only explanation I can offer for why Trump and Biden are tied at 43 percent in the New York Times presidential poll released Tuesday.
Lincoln said you can fool some of the people all of the time, the only explanation I can offer for why Trump and Biden are tied at 43 percent in the New York Times presidential poll released Tuesday.
Would you be willing to turn over 1.4 billion dollars to an unknown group over which you have no oversight or control and who can do with it as they choose? I bet you wouldn’t do that with even $1,400. But our legislature appears ready to go with the $1.4B.
Would you be willing to turn over 1.4 billion dollars to an unknown group over which you have no oversight or control and who can do with it as they choose? I bet you wouldn’t do that with even $1,400. But our legislature appears ready to go with the $1.4B.
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