The Daily Haymaker Guest Editorial | Eastern North Carolina Now

Our GUY IN CHARGE - editor and publisher Brant Clifton - has marched to the beat of a different drum from very early in life. The grandson of a Democrat party machine boss, Mr. Clifton registered Republican at 18 and campaigned for Ronald Reagan and George Bush. He worked for the late U.S. Senator Jesse Helms in Washington during and right after college. Mr. Clifton took on the liberal media as an analyst with The Media Research Center, then jumped into a lengthy career with the "drive-by media". His work has appeared in local newspapers in The Carolinas. He has done on-camera work for ABC's Good Morning America, and print work for national publications such as US News & World Report and People magazine. Mr. Clifton has also worked as a correspondent for AP, UPI, Reuters and Agence France Presse.


The Daily Haymaker Guest Editorial  

Our GUY IN CHARGE - editor and publisher Brant Clifton - has marched to the beat of a different drum from very early in life. The grandson of a Democrat party machine boss, Mr. Clifton registered Republican at 18 and campaigned for Ronald Reagan and George Bush. He worked for the late U.S. Senator Jesse Helms in Washington during and right after college.

Mr. Clifton took on the liberal media as an analyst with The Media Research Center, then jumped into a lengthy career with the "drive-by media". His work has appeared in local newspapers in The Carolinas. He has done on-camera work for ABC's Good Morning America, and print work for national publications such as US News & World Report and People magazine. Mr. Clifton has also worked as a correspondent for AP, UPI, Reuters and Agence France Presse.

My patience is running out with all of these low-T folks blaming Donald Trump for Tuesday. Trump WAS NOT ON THE BALLOT.
My patience is running out with all of these low-T folks blaming Donald Trump for Tuesday. Trump WAS NOT ON THE BALLOT.
During Murphy's primary battles, the Haymaker tended to accept Murphy's positions at face value, but now they have observed things that lead them to dig deeper.
During Murphy's primary battles, the Haymaker tended to accept Murphy's positions at face value, but now they have observed things that lead them to dig deeper.
Well, it's over. For all the talk about the Trump Revolution and a desire to send The Establishment a message - we got very little action to support ANY of that.
Well, it's over. For all the talk about the Trump Revolution and a desire to send The Establishment a message - we got very little action to support ANY of that.
For a while, I had thought some monkey business was going on.
Gov. Pat McCrory is firing back at the US DOJ for their ridiculous demands to drop gender restrictions on bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms.
Gov. Pat McCrory is firing back at the US DOJ for their ridiculous demands to drop gender restrictions on bathrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms.
On Saturday, the NCGOPe tossed out the party's first black chairman and replaced him with a, um, "intellectually-challenged" white man who documentary evidence clearly demonstrates was clearly outperformed by said ousted black man.
On Saturday, the NCGOPe tossed out the party's first black chairman and replaced him with a, um, "intellectually-challenged" white man who documentary evidence clearly demonstrates was clearly outperformed by said ousted black man.
Politifact wants us to repeat after them: Republicans lie. Democrats tell truth.
Bill Barber got tossed off an airplane. (No, it wasn't in mid-air.) Single-handedly, Lardbutt probably pissed off MORE people on this airplane than HB2 could ever hope to, period.
Bill Barber got tossed off an airplane. (No, it wasn't in mid-air.) Single-handedly, Lardbutt probably pissed off MORE people on this airplane than HB2 could ever hope to, period.
It's interesting that Gov. McCrory is taking heat for the passage of the so-called "bathroom bill." He was opposed to the idea of a special session.
It's interesting that Gov. McCrory is taking heat for the passage of the so-called "bathroom bill." He was opposed to the idea of a special session.
I had the chance, for the first time ever, to communicate directly with the chairman of the NCGOP.
I had the chance, for the first time ever, to communicate directly with the chairman of the NCGOP.
They lost the election for party chairman in June.
In a surprise move, the actual elected chairman of the state Republican Party resurfaced to comment on the issues we raised in yesterday's post on the upcoming NCGOP convention.
In a surprise move, the actual elected chairman of the state Republican Party resurfaced to comment on the issues we raised in yesterday's post on the upcoming NCGOP convention.
Chief Justice John Roberts has allowed the lower court ruling on North Carolina's congressional districts stand.
Chief Justice John Roberts has allowed the lower court ruling on North Carolina's congressional districts stand.
A frustrated parent. A frustrated teacher. And a frustrated education policy-maker. That pretty well sums up the field of Republican candidates for state education superintendent who made their way to Pinehurst Thursday night for a candidate forum.
A frustrated parent. A frustrated teacher. And a frustrated education policy-maker. That pretty well sums up the field of Republican candidates for state education superintendent who made their way to Pinehurst Thursday night for a candidate forum.
What started out as a mission to tweak a few districts to bring the 1st and 12th congressional districts in line has resulted in radical change for a lot more voters and some political favors (as well as hits).
What started out as a mission to tweak a few districts to bring the 1st and 12th congressional districts in line has resulted in radical change for a lot more voters and some political favors (as well as hits).
We lost a great man this weekend. He was one of the few souls left in our nation's capital who still believed our Constitution is worth respecting and paying attention to.
We lost a great man this weekend. He was one of the few souls left in our nation's capital who still believed our Constitution is worth respecting and paying attention to.
It's been a four year wait, but it looks like we're finally seeing the Cooper regime at the Department of Justice DO SOMETHING.
It's been a four year wait, but it looks like we're finally seeing the Cooper regime at the Department of Justice DO SOMETHING.
I have an incredible story here last night - and, by the way, just to give you a little bit of inside data, if you watched the debate last night, did you hear a lot of boos for Trump?
I have an incredible story here last night - and, by the way, just to give you a little bit of inside data, if you watched the debate last night, did you hear a lot of boos for Trump?
There have been quite a few races in recent years where I wish I had that choice on the ballot. But, according to the recently released sample ballots for May, we will have that choice for the GOP presidential primary.
There have been quite a few races in recent years where I wish I had that choice on the ballot. But, according to the recently released sample ballots for May, we will have that choice for the GOP presidential primary.
With the passage of the recent Omnibus travesty, word leaked out that the legislation could QUADRUPLE the amount of guest worker visas issued per year.
With the passage of the recent Omnibus travesty, word leaked out that the legislation could QUADRUPLE the amount of guest worker visas issued per year.
In response to Donald Trump's call for a temporary pause on Muslim migratithom-smokingon, the Senate Judiciary Committee declared on Thursday that Muslims living in foreign nations have a global right to immigrate to the United States.
In response to Donald Trump's call for a temporary pause on Muslim migratithom-smokingon, the Senate Judiciary Committee declared on Thursday that Muslims living in foreign nations have a global right to immigrate to the United States.
Lefties like to paint those of us on the right,who resist the dark side, as bigots. But they should take a good hard look at themselves.
Lefties like to paint those of us on the right,who resist the dark side, as bigots. But they should take a good hard look at themselves.
If you believe the GOPe campaign rhetoric, they've got our state headed in a "conservative direction." *Wow. That sounds great. We must be cutting taxes and the size of government all over the doggone place. Right? (Um, right?)*
If you believe the GOPe campaign rhetoric, they've got our state headed in a "conservative direction." *Wow. That sounds great. We must be cutting taxes and the size of government all over the doggone place. Right? (Um, right?)*
The ruling class is working overtime to convince us to allow them to shake even more change from our pockets to fund their vote-buying and other misadventures. IF ONLY they worked this hard to get government out of our lives and cut taxes.
The ruling class is working overtime to convince us to allow them to shake even more change from our pockets to fund their vote-buying and other misadventures. IF ONLY they worked this hard to get government out of our lives and cut taxes.
Well, the Second District GOP primary race for 2016 is getting7_number to be quite a crowded affair. We've all known incumbent Renee Ellmers was running for reelection. We've known about challengers Jim Duncan, Kay Daly and Frank Roche.
Well, the Second District GOP primary race for 2016 is getting7_number to be quite a crowded affair. We've all known incumbent Renee Ellmers was running for reelection. We've known about challengers Jim Duncan, Kay Daly and Frank Roche.
The state Senate's big kahuna went in front of the biggest, most-prominent Common Core-loving, spend-more-and-more-and-more money crowd and told them a few things I am SURE they didn't want to hear.
The state Senate's big kahuna went in front of the biggest, most-prominent Common Core-loving, spend-more-and-more-and-more money crowd and told them a few things I am SURE they didn't want to hear.
This phenomenon has been spreading across the country - from campus to campus - whipping up a liberal frenzy just in time for election season. The developments have me drawing comparisons to George Orwell's classic "Animal Farm''.
This phenomenon has been spreading across the country - from campus to campus - whipping up a liberal frenzy just in time for election season. The developments have me drawing comparisons to George Orwell's classic "Animal Farm''.
For those of you who don't know -- NC Spin is a little show broadcast each week, aired in the wee hours of the morning on obscure stations, and hosted by Tom
For those of you who don't know -- NC Spin is a little show broadcast each week, aired in the wee hours of the morning on obscure stations, and hosted by Tom
It's come out that at least one of the San Bernardino shooters pledged allegiance to ISIS prior to partaking in the slaughter of those innocent people at the county building.
It's come out that at least one of the San Bernardino shooters pledged allegiance to ISIS prior to partaking in the slaughter of those innocent people at the county building.
Six people sat down on a Raleigh street - connected by PVC pipe (for some reason) a little while back to protest the actual enforcement of immigration laws by the state.
Six people sat down on a Raleigh street - connected by PVC pipe (for some reason) a little while back to protest the actual enforcement of immigration laws by the state.
We've provided a lot of coverage to the saga of Gene Nichol, the alleged law professor at UNC, who appears to do little more with his six-figure salary than publish articles bashing Republicans.
We've provided a lot of coverage to the saga of Gene Nichol, the alleged law professor at UNC, who appears to do little more with his six-figure salary than publish articles bashing Republicans.
The Democrats' victory, and Republican Ryan's defeat, was garishly displayed when his omnibus got more Democratic votes in the House and in the Senate than it got Republican votes.
The Democrats' victory, and Republican Ryan's defeat, was garishly displayed when his omnibus got more Democratic votes in the House and in the Senate than it got Republican votes.
A key Senate Republican is looking into whether Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) discussed classified information during Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate.
A key Senate Republican is looking into whether Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) discussed classified information during Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate.
It's $1.1 trillion dollars. It's 2009 pages. It was written by FOUR lawmakers and a bunch of lobbyists.
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