Hit Piece | Eastern North Carolina Now

In this category, we will examine every campaign mailer that has the markings of a "hit piece" sent out by a unscrupulous politician, who has designs on serving himself, and his special interest masters, rather than his true constituents, in any center of government important to the people in this region that we serve. Within this sphere of interest, we will examine every political editorial and campaign material that is baseless and without merit, and please be aware of this one truth: Our determinable reaction will be somewhat less than kind, but unlike the loathsome "Hit Piece," it will be based on facts.


Hit Piece  

In this category, we will examine every campaign mailer that has the markings of a "hit piece" sent out by a unscrupulous politician, who has designs on serving himself, and his special interest masters, rather than his true constituents, in any center of government important to the people in this region that we serve.

Within this sphere of interest, we will examine every political editorial and campaign material that is baseless and without merit, and please be aware of this one truth: Our determinable reaction will be somewhat less than kind, but unlike the loathsome "Hit Piece," it will be based on facts.

Today, Governor Cooper vetoed the 2017 state budget. NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes responded below
Today, Governor Cooper vetoed the 2017 state budget. NCGOP Chairman Robin Hayes responded below
According to ABC 11, Governor Roy Cooper is willing to snub North Carolina small businesses, the job creation engine of North Carolina, to pick winners and losers by demanding more tax dollars for corporate recruiting
According to ABC 11, Governor Roy Cooper is willing to snub North Carolina small businesses, the job creation engine of North Carolina, to pick winners and losers by demanding more tax dollars for corporate recruiting
Standing in front of the Mecklenburg County Courthouse, Rep. Jason Saine, Mecklenburg County Commissioner Matthew Ridenhour, Attorney Jeremy Stephenson, NCGOP Spokeswoman Kami Mueller, and a group of local attorneys shed light on Roy Cooper's failure to fix the problems with the State Crime Lab
Standing in front of the Mecklenburg County Courthouse, Rep. Jason Saine, Mecklenburg County Commissioner Matthew Ridenhour, Attorney Jeremy Stephenson, NCGOP Spokeswoman Kami Mueller, and a group of local attorneys shed light on Roy Cooper's failure to fix the problems with the State Crime Lab
As Hillary Clinton campaigns in Charlotte, North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) leaders demanded Clinton, Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross, start telling the truth to the people of North Carolina.
As Hillary Clinton campaigns in Charlotte, North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) leaders demanded Clinton, Roy Cooper and Deborah Ross, start telling the truth to the people of North Carolina.
This week was full of highlights for the Burr campaign with the announcement of a leadership team and the release of the campaign's first general election TV ad
This week was full of highlights for the Burr campaign with the announcement of a leadership team and the release of the campaign's first general election TV ad
The following statement is released on behalf of the North Carolina Republican Party in response to a federal judge issuing a temporary block on allowing boys to enter bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers with girls at school
The following statement is released on behalf of the North Carolina Republican Party in response to a federal judge issuing a temporary block on allowing boys to enter bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers with girls at school
One week ago today, The Wall Street Journal broke the news that the Obama Administration made a $400 million cash payment to the Iranian government at the same time four prisoners were released from their custody
One week ago today, The Wall Street Journal broke the news that the Obama Administration made a $400 million cash payment to the Iranian government at the same time four prisoners were released from their custody
The North Carolina Republican Party today released the following statement ahead of Tim Kaine's campaign stop in North Carolina
The North Carolina Republican Party today released the following statement ahead of Tim Kaine's campaign stop in North Carolina
After Attorney General Roy Cooper admitted he does not intend to uphold his sworn and legal obligation to defend North Carolina's common sense voter ID law in court, Governor McCrory called on Roy Cooper to forgo his salary and reimburse taxpayers for the cost of hiring outside counsel to do his job
After Attorney General Roy Cooper admitted he does not intend to uphold his sworn and legal obligation to defend North Carolina's common sense voter ID law in court, Governor McCrory called on Roy Cooper to forgo his salary and reimburse taxpayers for the cost of hiring outside counsel to do his job
The Pat McCrory Committee today launched its second TV ad of the campaign. "Legacy" contrasts Roy Cooper's legacy as a 30-year politician inside state government with Governor McCrory's record of results
The Pat McCrory Committee today launched its second TV ad of the campaign. "Legacy" contrasts Roy Cooper's legacy as a 30-year politician inside state government with Governor McCrory's record of results
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) released the following statement in response to Roy Cooper's latest actions, which have proven his ultimate lack of responsibility as a prosecutor as well as his over zealous behavior with taxpayer money
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) released the following statement in response to Roy Cooper's latest actions, which have proven his ultimate lack of responsibility as a prosecutor as well as his over zealous behavior with taxpayer money
The Raleigh News & Observer reports that Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy, the most unpopular governor of one of the heaviest taxed states in America, has endorsed Roy Cooper
The Raleigh News & Observer reports that Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy, the most unpopular governor of one of the heaviest taxed states in America, has endorsed Roy Cooper
Sitting in the front row when Governor McCrory announced CSX would be building a new intermodal terminal in his hometown bringing 1,500 jobs to North Carolina, Attorney General Roy Cooper greeted the impressive economic news with a standing ovation as the governor exclaimed
Sitting in the front row when Governor McCrory announced CSX would be building a new intermodal terminal in his hometown bringing 1,500 jobs to North Carolina, Attorney General Roy Cooper greeted the impressive economic news with a standing ovation as the governor exclaimed
Roy Cooper's first television ad tries to reintroduce himself to the voters of North Carolina, claiming he has been a 'national leader' as attorney general of North Carolina
Roy Cooper's first television ad tries to reintroduce himself to the voters of North Carolina, claiming he has been a 'national leader' as attorney general of North Carolina
Prior to Roy Cooper's joint appearance with Hillary Clinton and President Obama, McCrory Campaign Manager Russell Peck released the following statement
Prior to Roy Cooper's joint appearance with Hillary Clinton and President Obama, McCrory Campaign Manager Russell Peck released the following statement
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) today released the following statement in response to a recent investigation by WBTV
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) today released the following statement in response to a recent investigation by WBTV
North Carolina Attorney General should reimburse taxpayers for not doing his job or resign, the McCrory campaign said Friday.
North Carolina Attorney General should reimburse taxpayers for not doing his job or resign, the McCrory campaign said Friday.
While North Carolinians celebrate our country's Independence Day this weekend, the Burr campaign will remind those taking part in the festivities of Deborah Ross' defense of burning the American flag
While North Carolinians celebrate our country's Independence Day this weekend, the Burr campaign will remind those taking part in the festivities of Deborah Ross' defense of burning the American flag
Yesterday, Senator Burr joined with Senator John McCain on a legislative measure that would have improved our national security and helped thwart potential terror attacks on our soil
Yesterday, Senator Burr joined with Senator John McCain on a legislative measure that would have improved our national security and helped thwart potential terror attacks on our soil
With support from Senator Burr, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the reauthorization of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, which helps protect children from sexual predators
With support from Senator Burr, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the reauthorization of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, which helps protect children from sexual predators
Today, the Burr for Senate campaign announced a new digital ad buy after Deborah Ross continues to remain silent on her fight against establishing a sex offender registry in North Carolina when she was the chief lobbyist for the ACLU
Today, the Burr for Senate campaign announced a new digital ad buy after Deborah Ross continues to remain silent on her fight against establishing a sex offender registry in North Carolina when she was the chief lobbyist for the ACLU
As school districts across North Carolina received new restroom guidelines from the Obama administration based on a new interpretation of federal law
As school districts across North Carolina received new restroom guidelines from the Obama administration based on a new interpretation of federal law
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) today called on Roy Cooper to denounce Moral Mondays for their demands and tactics
The North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) today called on Roy Cooper to denounce Moral Mondays for their demands and tactics
Despite Deborah Ross' best attempts to ignore her radical record, positions such as opposing an online sex offender registry in North Carolina will be impossible for her out run
Despite Deborah Ross' best attempts to ignore her radical record, positions such as opposing an online sex offender registry in North Carolina will be impossible for her out run
Maybe it was a Freudian slip? During a recent appearance at an event hosted by the N.C. Chamber of Commerce, Roy Cooper praised North Carolina's economy under Governor McCrory, admitting that North Carolina is the best state in the country for business and the state is now in a good position for fut
Maybe it was a Freudian slip? During a recent appearance at an event hosted by the N.C. Chamber of Commerce, Roy Cooper praised North Carolina's economy under Governor McCrory, admitting that North Carolina is the best state in the country for business and the state is now in a good position for fut
North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper called Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, who then began "CEO-arm twisting" by recruiting and coordinating with business leaders, including Deutsche Bank, to inflict economic damage on North Carolina to protest HB2
North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper called Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, who then began "CEO-arm twisting" by recruiting and coordinating with business leaders, including Deutsche Bank, to inflict economic damage on North Carolina to protest HB2
As Deborah Ross' campaign prepares for another private fundraiser tonight, she continues to hide from her radical record
As Deborah Ross' campaign prepares for another private fundraiser tonight, she continues to hide from her radical record
After a months-long and unresolved battle with Apple, the FBI has developed a work-around to gain access to the iPhone left behind by one of the shooters in the San Bernardino attack which killed 14 people and wounded 22 others
After a months-long and unresolved battle with Apple, the FBI has developed a work-around to gain access to the iPhone left behind by one of the shooters in the San Bernardino attack which killed 14 people and wounded 22 others
Roy Cooper today tried to defend his decision to not do his job and defend the state against the ACLU and other far-left special interest groups who are suing to open the door to allowing men to use women's restrooms in North Carolina
Roy Cooper today tried to defend his decision to not do his job and defend the state against the ACLU and other far-left special interest groups who are suing to open the door to allowing men to use women's restrooms in North Carolina
Today March 8, 2016, Roy Cooper is holding his first press conference since August of 2015 after pressure from the McCrory campaign to take a stand on key issues facing North Carolina
Today March 8, 2016, Roy Cooper is holding his first press conference since August of 2015 after pressure from the McCrory campaign to take a stand on key issues facing North Carolina
First, Democrat candidate for governor and N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper refused to join a lawsuit on behalf of North Carolina against the ACLU and the Obama Administration's attempt to open sex-specific student locker rooms and bathrooms to individuals that are not of that biological sex
First, Democrat candidate for governor and N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper refused to join a lawsuit on behalf of North Carolina against the ACLU and the Obama Administration's attempt to open sex-specific student locker rooms and bathrooms to individuals that are not of that biological sex
Don Cox, A.K.A. Mr. No-Show (does not show up for Candidates' Forums), who, up until now, has shown that he is completely incapable of discussing any issues at any time, now has twin issues he understands well enough to discuss: marijuana usage and Democrat strategy.
Don Cox, A.K.A. Mr. No-Show (does not show up for Candidates' Forums), who, up until now, has shown that he is completely incapable of discussing any issues at any time, now has twin issues he understands well enough to discuss: marijuana usage and Democrat strategy.
Why does Harry want to use Barney to spread hate?
The National Resources Defense Council, who is sponsoring a 'hit piece' slam on NC Senator Bill Cook, may want to save the Polar Bears, but they don't mind taking property that is not theirs, and in this case mine.
The National Resources Defense Council, who is sponsoring a 'hit piece' slam on NC Senator Bill Cook, may want to save the Polar Bears, but they don't mind taking property that is not theirs, and in this case mine.
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