D'ya think?? | Eastern North Carolina Now

The musings and understandable concerns of one who keeps his ear close to the ground.


D'ya think??  

The musings and understandable concerns of one who keeps his ear close to the ground.

It hasn't been long ago when Hamas in the Gaza Strip was bombarding Israel mercilessly with their rockets - not terribly effectively, but mercilessly.
It hasn't been long ago when Hamas in the Gaza Strip was bombarding Israel mercilessly with their rockets - not terribly effectively, but mercilessly.
Have you ever wondered who is in charge of Political Correctness?? It's the PC Police. But that still doesn't answer the question
Have you ever wondered who is in charge of Political Correctness?? It's the PC Police. But that still doesn't answer the question
Eric Holder has been one of the most rabid race baiters to surface in this country since Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were in their prime.
Eric Holder has been one of the most rabid race baiters to surface in this country since Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were in their prime.
Eric Holder may not be the only miscreant chosen by the Anointed One to run one of the Government Departments.
Eric Holder may not be the only miscreant chosen by the Anointed One to run one of the Government Departments.
Watching the news and seeing how our Constitution, our freedoms, and our way of life are being abused every day by the Anointed One and the folks he has appointed to run the various Departments makes it more and more difficult to retain one's composure.
Watching the news and seeing how our Constitution, our freedoms, and our way of life are being abused every day by the Anointed One and the folks he has appointed to run the various Departments makes it more and more difficult to retain one's composure.
Our intrepid Secretary of State didn't want to call going after ISIS a war. If it was a war the DOD would seem to be the more sensible organization to be running it.
Our intrepid Secretary of State didn't want to call going after ISIS a war. If it was a war the DOD would seem to be the more sensible organization to be running it.
The Anointed One Challenges Syria with a red line in the sand and when that doesn't seem to be achieving anything, he asks Congress for authority to "go after" them.
The Anointed One Challenges Syria with a red line in the sand and when that doesn't seem to be achieving anything, he asks Congress for authority to "go after" them.
We have been hearing a lot about tax inversions lately. According to a NY Times article by Josh Barro published on 8/9/14, tax inversion is "... a tax avoidance maneuver in which an American company is acquired by a smaller foreign competitor, allowing it to move its tax residency abroad.
We have been hearing a lot about tax inversions lately. According to a NY Times article by Josh Barro published on 8/9/14, tax inversion is "... a tax avoidance maneuver in which an American company is acquired by a smaller foreign competitor, allowing it to move its tax residency abroad.
We hear the Anointed and a lot of his Dem cohorts talking about the need to "invest" in our infrastructure.(i.e. spend money on their pet projects).
We hear the Anointed and a lot of his Dem cohorts talking about the need to "invest" in our infrastructure.(i.e. spend money on their pet projects).
In March of 2011, I wrote a piece about safety. In it I opined that there is no such thing as safety because so called "safety" in reality is the absence of risk.
In March of 2011, I wrote a piece about safety. In it I opined that there is no such thing as safety because so called "safety" in reality is the absence of risk.
Perfect is the enemy of good. I don't know who coined that phrase, but whoever it was, certainly got it right.
Perfect is the enemy of good. I don't know who coined that phrase, but whoever it was, certainly got it right.
We spent about ten years in Iraq and left a lot of American blood on the ground and a lot of the long green in the pockets of the politicos.
We spent about ten years in Iraq and left a lot of American blood on the ground and a lot of the long green in the pockets of the politicos.
The Reps are about to do it to themselves again. Things seem to be going their way and then they shoot themselves in the foot - again... Pretty much all in the name of standing on principles.
The Reps are about to do it to themselves again. Things seem to be going their way and then they shoot themselves in the foot - again... Pretty much all in the name of standing on principles.
If you didn't listen to the Prez's speeches, you wouldn't know what it means to be a good American.
If you didn't listen to the Prez's speeches, you wouldn't know what it means to be a good American.
We hear a lot of folks pressing for a change in the Constitution to incorporate a "Balanced Budget Amendment". The argument is based on the belief that such an amendment would force the Congress to rein its profligate spending habits. It certainly sounds like a winner.
We hear a lot of folks pressing for a change in the Constitution to incorporate a "Balanced Budget Amendment". The argument is based on the belief that such an amendment would force the Congress to rein its profligate spending habits. It certainly sounds like a winner.
The White House (whoever that is) is quoted as telling all the world that restraint needs to be exercised by "all parties" to the unpleasantness between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
The White House (whoever that is) is quoted as telling all the world that restraint needs to be exercised by "all parties" to the unpleasantness between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Here we go again. The conservatives (read Republicans) are taking a beating again.
Here we go again. The conservatives (read Republicans) are taking a beating again.
Did you ever take out a loan to buy a house?? If not, how about a loan to buy a vehicle??
Did you ever take out a loan to buy a house?? If not, how about a loan to buy a vehicle??
Almost every day we hear the Anointed One making some grand pronouncement about something or other. Invariably he is "backed up" by folks who would seem to be from the constituency he seems to be romancing that particular day.
Almost every day we hear the Anointed One making some grand pronouncement about something or other. Invariably he is "backed up" by folks who would seem to be from the constituency he seems to be romancing that particular day.
What do you suppose ever happened to "Global Warming".
What do you suppose ever happened to "Global Warming".
We keep hearing that things being done by the Anointed One and his administration are "not legal".
We keep hearing that things being done by the Anointed One and his administration are "not legal".
It would seem that the Anointed One's Chief Skin Merchant, (Eric Holder - in case you were wondering) doesn't like the way North Carolina wants to run its elections.
It would seem that the Anointed One's Chief Skin Merchant, (Eric Holder - in case you were wondering) doesn't like the way North Carolina wants to run its elections.
The highway trust fund is running out of money and we need to do something to get the funding back up to a point where we will be able to maintain our Interstate highway system.
The highway trust fund is running out of money and we need to do something to get the funding back up to a point where we will be able to maintain our Interstate highway system.
With tens of thousands of golf enthusiasts descending on North Carolina over the next two weeks for the 2014 U.S. Open and the U.S. Women's Open, the state has worked hard to make sure they will have a great and unique experience.
With tens of thousands of golf enthusiasts descending on North Carolina over the next two weeks for the 2014 U.S. Open and the U.S. Women's Open, the state has worked hard to make sure they will have a great and unique experience.
Have you been wondering why Eric Holder and his Justice Department has been too busy to investigate a lot of troublesome things going on in our Government or respond to congressional inquiries in any kind of reasonable time frame??
Have you been wondering why Eric Holder and his Justice Department has been too busy to investigate a lot of troublesome things going on in our Government or respond to congressional inquiries in any kind of reasonable time frame??
Patronage in the Federal Government is not "dead" as we have been led to believe. And "patronage" is not the sole purview of either party.
Patronage in the Federal Government is not "dead" as we have been led to believe. And "patronage" is not the sole purview of either party.
Times change. Things change. In the old days government employees who violated their trust got fired. No "ifs", "ands", or "buts".
Times change. Things change. In the old days government employees who violated their trust got fired. No "ifs", "ands", or "buts".
There was an interesting AP generated article in the Tampa Tribune on Mother's Day (5/11/14). It was headlined "Pregnant women gain new options".
There was an interesting AP generated article in the Tampa Tribune on Mother's Day (5/11/14). It was headlined "Pregnant women gain new options".
The Anointed One's administration is about to propose some changes to the Government's dietary guidelines.
The Anointed One's administration is about to propose some changes to the Government's dietary guidelines.
An AP article appearing in the April Fools Day (4/1/2014 - the timing seems appropriate) Tampa Tribune indicated that the U.S. was considering the release of Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy intelligence analyst, who was arrested in 1985 and convicted of spying for Israel.
An AP article appearing in the April Fools Day (4/1/2014 - the timing seems appropriate) Tampa Tribune indicated that the U.S. was considering the release of Jonathan Pollard, a former U.S. Navy intelligence analyst, who was arrested in 1985 and convicted of spying for Israel.
It was interesting to hear that Nevada seems to be full of "Domestic Terrorists".
So good 'ol Hillary gets a shoe thrown at her. It missed. She was giving the keynote address at the Las Vegas meeting of the Institute of Scrap and Recycling Industries.
So good 'ol Hillary gets a shoe thrown at her. It missed. She was giving the keynote address at the Las Vegas meeting of the Institute of Scrap and Recycling Industries.
Here we go again. Or maybe I should say "Here they go again". "They" would be the Anointed One and his merry group of sycophants led by Ms. Reid's boy, Harry and Ms. Schumer's boy, Charlie.
Here we go again. Or maybe I should say "Here they go again". "They" would be the Anointed One and his merry group of sycophants led by Ms. Reid's boy, Harry and Ms. Schumer's boy, Charlie.
We are hearing a lot about bullying lately. Its in our schools. Its in our work places. Its on the roads.


We are hearing a lot about bullying lately. Its in our schools. Its in our work places. Its on the roads.
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