Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Tuesday, November 7th, 2023


Archived Results for Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

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Today’s one stop report is attached.
Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses the latest campaign finance numbers in North Carolina’s 2024 gubernatorial race.
Mitch Kokai, John Locke Foundation senior political analyst, discusses the latest campaign finance numbers in North Carolina’s 2024 gubernatorial race.
"The report left readers with an incorrect impression about what was known and how credible the account was."
"The report left readers with an incorrect impression about what was known and how credible the account was."
Hey guys, check out Caleb. He brought his own pool stick to play pool. What a bad hombre, bringing his own stick to hit the pool balls with, amirite? And in its own little tote bag, how cute!
Hey guys, check out Caleb. He brought his own pool stick to play pool. What a bad hombre, bringing his own stick to hit the pool balls with, amirite? And in its own little tote bag, how cute!
Former President Donald Trump warned Monday that Hamas terrorism is coming to the U.S. after “tens of thousands” of Middle Eastern men have “invaded” the country through the southern border.
Former President Donald Trump warned Monday that Hamas terrorism is coming to the U.S. after “tens of thousands” of Middle Eastern men have “invaded” the country through the southern border.
These numbers are posted by the Board of Election Office but are unofficial until approved by the baord
These numbers are posted by the Board of Election Office but are unofficial until approved by the baord
Over the weekend, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has publicly criticized the state of Israel and expressed sympathies for Palestinians in the past, issued a tweet saying that his government was “here” for Palestinian, Arab, and black Muslim communities.
Over the weekend, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has publicly criticized the state of Israel and expressed sympathies for Palestinians in the past, issued a tweet saying that his government was “here” for Palestinian, Arab, and black Muslim communities.
NC is headed this direction thanks to RINOs like Sen. Jim Perry and Sen. Phil Berger
NC is headed this direction thanks to RINOs like Sen. Jim Perry and Sen. Phil Berger
cite secutiry threat of thousands of unvetted migrants lliving at airports
cite secutiry threat of thousands of unvetted migrants lliving at airports
In an exclusive new interview, Justin Timberlake revealed that if he hadn't forced his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears to abort their child when she was 19, her mental health probably would have suffered greatly.
In an exclusive new interview, Justin Timberlake revealed that if he hadn't forced his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears to abort their child when she was 19, her mental health probably would have suffered greatly.
One of the great young pianists of the world opened his concert at New York’s Carnegie Hall with a performance of “HaTikvah” (The Hope), Israel’s national anthem.
One of the great young pianists of the world opened his concert at New York’s Carnegie Hall with a performance of “HaTikvah” (The Hope), Israel’s national anthem.
cite example of "transgenders" bothering girls in bathrooms, oppose schol board policy
cite example of "transgenders" bothering girls in bathrooms, oppose schol board policy
The system is corrupt when it produces decisions against the will of the people who elected Elites who think they know better than the people what is best for them.
The system is corrupt when it produces decisions against the will of the people who elected Elites who think they know better than the people what is best for them.
Israel announced that it would remove all references to far-Left climate activist Greta Thunberg from its curriculum after she was accused of siding with Palestinian terrorists in social media posts late last week.
Israel announced that it would remove all references to far-Left climate activist Greta Thunberg from its curriculum after she was accused of siding with Palestinian terrorists in social media posts late last week.
In response to mounting criticism of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel's fitness to serve, the Republican party has replaced McConnell with a far more lifelike cardboard cutout of the Kentucky senator, according to sources.
In response to mounting criticism of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel's fitness to serve, the Republican party has replaced McConnell with a far more lifelike cardboard cutout of the Kentucky senator, according to sources.
Fans of comedian Dave Chappelle reportedly got up and left one of his recent performances after he is said to have sided against Israel for targeting Hamas terrorists inside the Gaza Strip.
Fans of comedian Dave Chappelle reportedly got up and left one of his recent performances after he is said to have sided against Israel for targeting Hamas terrorists inside the Gaza Strip.
A Hamas fugitive has allegedly been living in a state-funded home in one of Britain’s most populated Jewish areas, according to a report by The Sunday Times.
A Hamas fugitive has allegedly been living in a state-funded home in one of Britain’s most populated Jewish areas, according to a report by The Sunday Times.
North Carolinians will see their auto insurance rates increase by 4.5% on Dec. 1 or after and again in 2024 because of a settlement reached between the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) and insurance companies.
North Carolinians will see their auto insurance rates increase by 4.5% on Dec. 1 or after and again in 2024 because of a settlement reached between the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) and insurance companies.
Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, Senior Vice President for Research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said in an interview late last week that the “soft landing” Israel is looking for as it launches its war against Palestinian Islamic terrorism was for the U.S. to keep its two aircraft carriers
Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, Senior Vice President for Research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said in an interview late last week that the “soft landing” Israel is looking for as it launches its war against Palestinian Islamic terrorism was for the U.S. to keep its two aircraft carriers
In a stunning act of mass delusion and cinematic stupidity, Americans have announced plans to keep pretending that Disney's animated 2013 film Frozen was somehow, in some universe, a better film than Disney's animated 2010 masterpiece Tangled.
In a stunning act of mass delusion and cinematic stupidity, Americans have announced plans to keep pretending that Disney's animated 2013 film Frozen was somehow, in some universe, a better film than Disney's animated 2010 masterpiece Tangled.
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) slammed Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and seven other Republicans on Sunday, saying they caused the U.S. Congress to be paralyzed as war breaks out in the Middle East.
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) slammed Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and seven other Republicans on Sunday, saying they caused the U.S. Congress to be paralyzed as war breaks out in the Middle East.
Exposed by the Finnish doctor who pioneered this particular field of medical/psychiatric care
Exposed by the Finnish doctor who pioneered this particular field of medical/psychiatric care
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) said during an interview over the weekend that President Joe Biden had no business telling Israel how it should handle its military operations
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) said during an interview over the weekend that President Joe Biden had no business telling Israel how it should handle its military operations
Fired Winston-Salem State University football coach Kienus Boulware urges the state Supreme Court to take his case. He says WSSU failed to apply the law properly when firing him in 2019.
Fired Winston-Salem State University football coach Kienus Boulware urges the state Supreme Court to take his case. He says WSSU failed to apply the law properly when firing him in 2019.
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) doubled down over the weekend on his recent remarks that President Joe Biden had blood on his hands with respect to the terrorist attacks in Israel two weeks ago after he agreed to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian assets.
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) doubled down over the weekend on his recent remarks that President Joe Biden had blood on his hands with respect to the terrorist attacks in Israel two weeks ago after he agreed to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian assets.
As an important moral lesson to children everywhere, fathers across the United States reminded their kids that it's never okay to lie unless it's being done to save a few bucks by ordering food from the kid's menu at restaurants.
As an important moral lesson to children everywhere, fathers across the United States reminded their kids that it's never okay to lie unless it's being done to save a few bucks by ordering food from the kid's menu at restaurants.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said during an interview over the weekend that the U.S. has deployed more assets in the Middle East in recent days as a deterrent against attacks against Israel and U.S. interests in the region.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said during an interview over the weekend that the U.S. has deployed more assets in the Middle East in recent days as a deterrent against attacks against Israel and U.S. interests in the region.
Today, on World Mental Health Day, the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services is celebrating an unprecedented $835 million investment in behavioral health.
Today, on World Mental Health Day, the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services is celebrating an unprecedented $835 million investment in behavioral health.
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