Saturday, August 27th, 2022 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Saturday, August 27th, 2022


Archived Results for Saturday, August 27th, 2022

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In paperwork filed Wednesday with the N.C. Court of Appeals, the State Board of Elections is urging the appellate court to reject a request from a Hoke County candidate to intervene in the county commissioner’s race.
In paperwork filed Wednesday with the N.C. Court of Appeals, the State Board of Elections is urging the appellate court to reject a request from a Hoke County candidate to intervene in the county commissioner’s race.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) was mocked Tuesday night for comparing herself to former President Abraham Lincoln after her blowout loss in Wyoming’s Republican primary for the state’s at-large congressional seat.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) was mocked Tuesday night for comparing herself to former President Abraham Lincoln after her blowout loss in Wyoming’s Republican primary for the state’s at-large congressional seat.
While Biden Lights Your Tax Dollars on Fire, Beasley Won’t Criticize Him For It, Even Though Other Democrats Are Doing Just That…Almost Like She’s a Generic Democrat Rubber Stamp for the Biden Agenda?
While Biden Lights Your Tax Dollars on Fire, Beasley Won’t Criticize Him For It, Even Though Other Democrats Are Doing Just That…Almost Like She’s a Generic Democrat Rubber Stamp for the Biden Agenda?
Vivek Ramaswamy, the founder of anti-woke asset management firm Strive, stressed to Morning Wire Wednesday that state attorneys general should use their power to fight back against financial institutions pushing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards.
Vivek Ramaswamy, the founder of anti-woke asset management firm Strive, stressed to Morning Wire Wednesday that state attorneys general should use their power to fight back against financial institutions pushing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards.
Discarded U-Haul trucks abandoned by Californians immigrating to Texas have been repurposed as over 600 miles of new border wall along the America/Mexico border. Governor Greg Abbott confirmed that the wall is already cutting down on illegal immigration and California immigration since
Discarded U-Haul trucks abandoned by Californians immigrating to Texas have been repurposed as over 600 miles of new border wall along the America/Mexico border. Governor Greg Abbott confirmed that the wall is already cutting down on illegal immigration and California immigration since
Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson ripped politicians for demonizing guns and lawful gun owners to cover for failed policies that have led to surging crime rates.
Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson ripped politicians for demonizing guns and lawful gun owners to cover for failed policies that have led to surging crime rates.
ads already bought for general election cancelling in several states
ads already bought for general election cancelling in several states
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced its own set of “policies and safeguards” to political discourse ahead of the 2022 midterms.
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced its own set of “policies and safeguards” to political discourse ahead of the 2022 midterms.
Locked-in tuition rates and declining federal largesse will mean less spending flexibility.
Locked-in tuition rates and declining federal largesse will mean less spending flexibility.
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo won a lawsuit Tuesday after a state Supreme Court ruled against a now-disbanded ethics agency that attempted to force the ex-governor to repay $5.1 million in profit he received from a book deal detailing his administration’s early response to the COVID outbreak
Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo won a lawsuit Tuesday after a state Supreme Court ruled against a now-disbanded ethics agency that attempted to force the ex-governor to repay $5.1 million in profit he received from a book deal detailing his administration’s early response to the COVID outbreak
Dr. Anthony Fauci announced his impending retirement today while millions of beagle puppies ran for cover, hid under sofas, and cowered in fear.
Dr. Anthony Fauci announced his impending retirement today while millions of beagle puppies ran for cover, hid under sofas, and cowered in fear.
Black farmers are starting to wonder if they will receive the debt forgiveness that they had been promised after a measure was passed last year to prioritize them for such action.
Black farmers are starting to wonder if they will receive the debt forgiveness that they had been promised after a measure was passed last year to prioritize them for such action.
A senior Biden administration climate adviser was severely sanctioned by the nation’s most prestigious scientific body for ethical violations.
A senior Biden administration climate adviser was severely sanctioned by the nation’s most prestigious scientific body for ethical violations.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has granted N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein an injunction that will likely help him avoid criminal prosecution connected to a 2020 campaign ad.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has granted N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein an injunction that will likely help him avoid criminal prosecution connected to a 2020 campaign ad.
Giveaway to teachers likely to come at the expense of test scores, even as kids are far behind from previous school closures.
Giveaway to teachers likely to come at the expense of test scores, even as kids are far behind from previous school closures.
As President Joe Biden signs the largest climate package in American history, some leftists are bothered by policymakers’ hesitance to create a tax on meat.
As President Joe Biden signs the largest climate package in American history, some leftists are bothered by policymakers’ hesitance to create a tax on meat.
Advanced manufacturing career opportunities abound in North Carolina and are continuing to grow with expansion and new industry announcements. These jobs require a high level of skill, pay good wages, and are often done in clean, temperature controlled environments.
Advanced manufacturing career opportunities abound in North Carolina and are continuing to grow with expansion and new industry announcements. These jobs require a high level of skill, pay good wages, and are often done in clean, temperature controlled environments.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey touted the completion of the state’s new border barrier over the weekend.
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey touted the completion of the state’s new border barrier over the weekend.
may use Ashley Biden diary to try to squash conservative journalists
may use Ashley Biden diary to try to squash conservative journalists
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke at a press briefing Monday in which she acknowledged an apparent link between those who believe in high-level government shadow conspiracies and not having myocarditis.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke at a press briefing Monday in which she acknowledged an apparent link between those who believe in high-level government shadow conspiracies and not having myocarditis.
Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos says President Joe Biden’s uncomfortable physical treatment of her several years ago when she was in a wheelchair amounted to the proposed legal definition of sexual harassment.
Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos says President Joe Biden’s uncomfortable physical treatment of her several years ago when she was in a wheelchair amounted to the proposed legal definition of sexual harassment.


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