Friday, November 27th, 2020 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Friday, November 27th, 2020


Archived Results for Friday, November 27th, 2020

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More than ever, rural communities in America are in need of a strong advocate to help shape the future of health care delivery by strengthening academic hospitals and health systems.
More than ever, rural communities in America are in need of a strong advocate to help shape the future of health care delivery by strengthening academic hospitals and health systems.
Nearly every county has completed the recount, and the historical trend has continued in that the election night vote leader gains more votes through the recount process.
Nearly every county has completed the recount, and the historical trend has continued in that the election night vote leader gains more votes through the recount process.
Gratitude is everything. Gratitude brings joy. When we are thankful we are much more apt to look up to the heavens or look beyond ourselves.
Gratitude is everything. Gratitude brings joy. When we are thankful we are much more apt to look up to the heavens or look beyond ourselves.
The early returns are in. So far, Chief Justice Cheri Beasley’s election protests have flopped.
The early returns are in. So far, Chief Justice Cheri Beasley’s election protests have flopped.
Three vaccines are now in the late stages of development
The bipartisan State Board of Elections on Tuesday voted to certify nearly all contests in the 2020 general election, including the presidential contest.
The bipartisan State Board of Elections on Tuesday voted to certify nearly all contests in the 2020 general election, including the presidential contest.
The vast majority of conservatives accept that government can and should intervene in private affairs when required to protect the rights to life, liberty, and property.
The vast majority of conservatives accept that government can and should intervene in private affairs when required to protect the rights to life, liberty, and property.
A consortium of open borders groups sued the administration in early November to ban the rule, claiming among other things, that the government exceeded its authority in its attempts to keep criminals out.
A consortium of open borders groups sued the administration in early November to ban the rule, claiming among other things, that the government exceeded its authority in its attempts to keep criminals out.
Let there be no doubt…the Biden Administration is simply a carryover from the Obama Administration.
Let there be no doubt…the Biden Administration is simply a carryover from the Obama Administration.
State Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley lost her reelection bid to Justice Paul Newby by 406 votes (as of November 19).
State Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley lost her reelection bid to Justice Paul Newby by 406 votes (as of November 19).
"The strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying"
You are receiving the attached message and email below from Beaufort County's EOC as a method of keeping you informed about our county's response to COVID-19.
You are receiving the attached message and email below from Beaufort County's EOC as a method of keeping you informed about our county's response to COVID-19.
President Donald J. Trump participated in the first day of the virtual G20 Leaders Summit on November 21, 2020. President Trump discussed with other world leaders the need to work together to restore strong economic growth and jobs as we overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.
President Donald J. Trump participated in the first day of the virtual G20 Leaders Summit on November 21, 2020. President Trump discussed with other world leaders the need to work together to restore strong economic growth and jobs as we overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.


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