Saturday, January 9th, 2016 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

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Archived Results for Saturday, January 9th, 2016

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Governor Pat McCrory has selected Annette Turik of Kinston to fill a district court vacancy in the eighth judicial district (Wayne, Lenoir, and Greene counties). The vacancy was created by the passing of District Court Judge Timothy Finan.
Governor Pat McCrory has selected Annette Turik of Kinston to fill a district court vacancy in the eighth judicial district (Wayne, Lenoir, and Greene counties). The vacancy was created by the passing of District Court Judge Timothy Finan.
North Carolina's economic and budget pictures look much better today than they did a few years ago.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
Amateur Obama is in the City of Lights, smoozing with his contemporaries while "rebuking" the terrorist, and planning the way forward where America leads the world in defeating "those who would hijack a great, peaceful religion" by ending 'Climate Change/Global Warming'.
This phenomenon has been spreading across the country - from campus to campus - whipping up a liberal frenzy just in time for election season. The developments have me drawing comparisons to George Orwell's classic "Animal Farm''.
This phenomenon has been spreading across the country - from campus to campus - whipping up a liberal frenzy just in time for election season. The developments have me drawing comparisons to George Orwell's classic "Animal Farm''.
On Sunday, December 27, 2015 around 5:00 p.m. Washington police and EMS responded to a person having been shot near 7th and Gladden.
On Sunday, December 27, 2015 around 5:00 p.m. Washington police and EMS responded to a person having been shot near 7th and Gladden.
East Carolina University today opened a new 3D design and prototyping center and announced the start of a workforce-development program that strengthens students' skills and promotes economic development.
East Carolina University today opened a new 3D design and prototyping center and announced the start of a workforce-development program that strengthens students' skills and promotes economic development.
CLF filed suit against the NC Department of Environmental Quality on behalf of county residents Stephen Owens and Jillanne Gigi Badawi, alleging that they were aggrieved by the agency's determination that Iberdrola Renewables' Amazon Wind Farm East was not subject to state permitting standards.
CLF filed suit against the NC Department of Environmental Quality on behalf of county residents Stephen Owens and Jillanne Gigi Badawi, alleging that they were aggrieved by the agency's determination that Iberdrola Renewables' Amazon Wind Farm East was not subject to state permitting standards.
The Office of Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement from Department of Public Safety Secretary Frank Perry...
The Office of Governor Pat McCrory released the following statement from Department of Public Safety Secretary Frank Perry...
Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted against the Conference Report to H.R. 22, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The 1,000-page bill includes a five-year, $305 billion reauthorization for federal highway and transit programs. The bill would also reauthorize the...
Today, Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC-3) voted against the Conference Report to H.R. 22, the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The 1,000-page bill includes a five-year, $305 billion reauthorization for federal highway and transit programs. The bill would also reauthorize the...
As the 2016 election cycle approaches, North Carolina voters will witness a spirited political debate about how best to promote economic growth
As the 2016 election cycle approaches, North Carolina voters will witness a spirited political debate about how best to promote economic growth
Here is a starting point for your consideration on my previous post of statements which provided no answers.
Here is a starting point for your consideration on my previous post of statements which provided no answers.
It has been weeks of it; a culmination of years of it, and when does it end?
An Octogenarian woman took her pre-teen grandson out to plant pine seedlings, explaining that one day they would grow into tall trees that provided shade and wood to build houses.
An Octogenarian woman took her pre-teen grandson out to plant pine seedlings, explaining that one day they would grow into tall trees that provided shade and wood to build houses.
Governor Pat McCrory and First Lady Ann McCrory offered the following statement in celebration of one of the most joyous times on the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah-The Festival of Lights.
Governor Pat McCrory and First Lady Ann McCrory offered the following statement in celebration of one of the most joyous times on the Jewish calendar, Hanukkah-The Festival of Lights.
Pat McCrory, Roy Cooper, Richard Burr, and many other confirmed or potential candidates for statewide office in North Carolina have plans. They have strategies. They have backers, and staffers, and plenty of ideas for how best to win their elections in November of 2016.
Pat McCrory, Roy Cooper, Richard Burr, and many other confirmed or potential candidates for statewide office in North Carolina have plans. They have strategies. They have backers, and staffers, and plenty of ideas for how best to win their elections in November of 2016.
It was an address to reassure the nation, but only mostly reassured the core low-information variety of Democrats.
It was an address to reassure the nation, but only mostly reassured the core low-information variety of Democrats.
When East Carolina University's production of "Rent" opens Nov. 19, the audience will return to the 1980s thanks to the backstage work of Rebecca Johnson and Delta Smith.
When East Carolina University's production of "Rent" opens Nov. 19, the audience will return to the 1980s thanks to the backstage work of Rebecca Johnson and Delta Smith.
Now that the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) has defied an audit mandated by state law, what happens next?
Now that the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) has defied an audit mandated by state law, what happens next?
Governor Pat McCrory commended Congress for heeding calls from the nation's governors and passing the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, which will provide States the long-term fiscal certainty Governor McCrory called for during his testimony before the House Committee on...
Governor Pat McCrory commended Congress for heeding calls from the nation's governors and passing the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, which will provide States the long-term fiscal certainty Governor McCrory called for during his testimony before the House Committee on...
Recently, I have been thinking about life...and death. My father passed away back in August of this year and it has shaken me to my core.
Recently, I have been thinking about life...and death. My father passed away back in August of this year and it has shaken me to my core.
It's hard to reach the right conclusion when you start with false premises.
For those of you who don't know -- NC Spin is a little show broadcast each week, aired in the wee hours of the morning on obscure stations, and hosted by Tom
For those of you who don't know -- NC Spin is a little show broadcast each week, aired in the wee hours of the morning on obscure stations, and hosted by Tom
Candidate filing begins today at noon across North Carolina, with the State Board of Elections estimating that roughly 2,500 candidates will file before the deadline at noon December 21.
Candidate filing begins today at noon across North Carolina, with the State Board of Elections estimating that roughly 2,500 candidates will file before the deadline at noon December 21.
Four-year universities in the United States are gaining a reputation for forcing left wing viewpoints on their students. Blatant examples of indoctrination such as the University of Delaware's residential life program often attract a great deal of attention when exposed.
Four-year universities in the United States are gaining a reputation for forcing left wing viewpoints on their students. Blatant examples of indoctrination such as the University of Delaware's residential life program often attract a great deal of attention when exposed.
As H.B. 318 protesters arrested in front of the Executive Mansion are set to appear in court, the North Carolina Republican Party questions whether Ken Spaulding and Roy Cooper stand with the protesters and their moral Monday type tactics. Do Ken Spaulding and Roy Cooper support these protesters...
As H.B. 318 protesters arrested in front of the Executive Mansion are set to appear in court, the North Carolina Republican Party questions whether Ken Spaulding and Roy Cooper stand with the protesters and their moral Monday type tactics. Do Ken Spaulding and Roy Cooper support these protesters...
Children in the preschool classroom of East Carolina University's Nancy Darden Child Development Center learned to make slime without a recipe.
Children in the preschool classroom of East Carolina University's Nancy Darden Child Development Center learned to make slime without a recipe.
However complicated you want to try to make it, the concept of free speech does not contain the right to shut other people up. Unfortunately, there is an entire movement of political activists right now who would not only disagree with my assertion but would seek to keep me from saying...
However complicated you want to try to make it, the concept of free speech does not contain the right to shut other people up. Unfortunately, there is an entire movement of political activists right now who would not only disagree with my assertion but would seek to keep me from saying...
The Office of Governor Pat McCrory announced the following appointments today.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
The much heralded Investigation of the Terrorist Attack resumes today, with Hillary B. Clinton testifying before the Benghazi Select Committee.
After fifteen months of work, the ASRC is in the process of finalizing their reports and submitting them to the State Board of Education and General Assembly. Their work has been thorough and has included surveys, examination of other standards in other states, testimony from experts and parents.
After fifteen months of work, the ASRC is in the process of finalizing their reports and submitting them to the State Board of Education and General Assembly. Their work has been thorough and has included surveys, examination of other standards in other states, testimony from experts and parents.
East Carolina University Honors College student Erika Dietrick discovered her passion during an honors research colloquium featuring ECU biology professor Dr. Claudia Jolls.
East Carolina University Honors College student Erika Dietrick discovered her passion during an honors research colloquium featuring ECU biology professor Dr. Claudia Jolls.
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that he has signed on, in his capacity as governor, to an amicus brief filed by the state of South Carolina in the case of G. G. v. Gloucester County School Board. A bipartisan group of five other state officials have also joined the brief. The brief opposes...
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that he has signed on, in his capacity as governor, to an amicus brief filed by the state of South Carolina in the case of G. G. v. Gloucester County School Board. A bipartisan group of five other state officials have also joined the brief. The brief opposes...
A Superior Court judge ordered the Alamance-Burlington Board of Education to release previously undisclosed information about the circumstances surrounding the departure of a school superintendent in what media lawyer John Bussian said was "a big deal" for the public's right to know.
A Superior Court judge ordered the Alamance-Burlington Board of Education to release previously undisclosed information about the circumstances surrounding the departure of a school superintendent in what media lawyer John Bussian said was "a big deal" for the public's right to know.
Bernie Sanders has found the solution to our needs. Just offer it for free.
Bernie Sanders has found the solution to our needs. Just offer it for free.
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