Sunday, January 25th, 2015 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Sunday, January 25th, 2015


Archived Results for Sunday, January 25th, 2015

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The 2015 legislative session has commenced, which means that the House and Senate will be hashing out their differences about how best to reform our state's Medicaid program. The Senate favors a privatization approach, where multiple managed care companies (MCOs) compete for state contracts to...
The 2015 legislative session has commenced, which means that the House and Senate will be hashing out their differences about how best to reform our state's Medicaid program. The Senate favors a privatization approach, where multiple managed care companies (MCOs) compete for state contracts to...
President Obama is proposing that two years of community college education be provided by federal and state governments free to students who are enrolled at least half time and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
President Obama is proposing that two years of community college education be provided by federal and state governments free to students who are enrolled at least half time and maintain a 2.5 GPA.
Accept responsibility when it comes, the editor-in-chief of Ebony magazine Mitzi Miller told a crowd at East Carolina University Tuesday night. Even though a task may seem overwhelming, she said, "You accept it; you move forward."
Accept responsibility when it comes, the editor-in-chief of Ebony magazine Mitzi Miller told a crowd at East Carolina University Tuesday night. Even though a task may seem overwhelming, she said, "You accept it; you move forward."
Now I am seeing ~~~ for real ~~~ how the Republican Elephant can fly an altered State of the Union speech.
Now I am seeing ~~~ for real ~~~ how the Republican Elephant can fly an altered State of the Union speech.
In North Carolina, left-wing nonprofit advocacy groups for decades have wielded an alarming amount of power in the media, state politics, and government. They work together, both in loose coalitions and organized networks, to influence and control public policy.
In North Carolina, left-wing nonprofit advocacy groups for decades have wielded an alarming amount of power in the media, state politics, and government. They work together, both in loose coalitions and organized networks, to influence and control public policy.
Steve Logan, former East Carolina University head football coach, recently remarked that things don't usually turn out well for head coaches. The same is often true for anyone who serves "at the pleasure" of someone or some group. UNC President Tom Ross is the latest example.
Steve Logan, former East Carolina University head football coach, recently remarked that things don't usually turn out well for head coaches. The same is often true for anyone who serves "at the pleasure" of someone or some group. UNC President Tom Ross is the latest example.
The Carrboro Police Department saved the life of a resident Monday night (Jan. 12) - the first time naloxone was used by any police department in North Carolina.
The Carrboro Police Department saved the life of a resident Monday night (Jan. 12) - the first time naloxone was used by any police department in North Carolina.
Religious liberty - which is the first right secured in the Bill of Rights - has won again in the nation's highest court. In a unanimous decision this week (Holt v. Hobbs), the U.S. Supreme Court has held that an Arkansas state prison policy that prohibited inmates from growing beards...
Religious liberty - which is the first right secured in the Bill of Rights - has won again in the nation's highest court. In a unanimous decision this week (Holt v. Hobbs), the U.S. Supreme Court has held that an Arkansas state prison policy that prohibited inmates from growing beards...
Please click on the link to access the agenda for the January 26, 2015 City Council meeting.
Please click on the link to access the agenda for the January 26, 2015 City Council meeting.


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