Sunday, August 11th, 2013 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Sunday, August 11th, 2013


Archived Results for Sunday, August 11th, 2013

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Samuel Johnston, one of early North Carolina's most durable politicians, served as governor during the debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution.
Samuel Johnston, one of early North Carolina's most durable politicians, served as governor during the debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution.
The Beaufort County Commissioners voted 4 to 3 to move as "quick as is practicable" to effect an earlier property revaluation in order to correct the property values that were the cumulative effect of a revaluation performed in 2009, and enacted on January 2010.
The Beaufort County Commissioners voted 4 to 3 to move as "quick as is practicable" to effect an earlier property revaluation in order to correct the property values that were the cumulative effect of a revaluation performed in 2009, and enacted on January 2010.
Despite having 152 convicted murderers on death row, North Carolina has not conducted an execution since 2006.
Despite having 152 convicted murderers on death row, North Carolina has not conducted an execution since 2006.
Boy, have Boehner and his folks got their talking points down.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, you will be forever affected by what you see and learn there, and you will be moved by a quote you see hanging near one of the exhibits.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, you will be forever affected by what you see and learn there, and you will be moved by a quote you see hanging near one of the exhibits.
Most people need a manager. President Obama's boys are managed. It's just not making them any smarter.
Hailing from Washington, North Carolina, Lindsay Warren was a long-serving Democratic politician.
This essential one phrase maxim is the film, veritable bookends in an analogy of its contents from start to finish.
This essential one phrase maxim is the film, veritable bookends in an analogy of its contents from start to finish.
For the first time in the history of the United States, the United States Government and their United States Treasury has suffered a debt-rating downgrade at the hands of the Standard and Poor's (S&P) rating service, to AA+.
For the first time in the history of the United States, the United States Government and their United States Treasury has suffered a debt-rating downgrade at the hands of the Standard and Poor's (S&P) rating service, to AA+.
Congress is in summer recess. Typically, members go home to their districts and states to hold town hall meetings and brief the voters on happenings in DC.
Congress is in summer recess. Typically, members go home to their districts and states to hold town hall meetings and brief the voters on happenings in DC.
The historian Polybius famously observed that empires deteriorate either internally or from without.
The historian Polybius famously observed that empires deteriorate either internally or from without.
In the wake of the grossly unfair jury verdict (according to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) recently handed down in the Florida George Zimmerman trial, we are hearing all kinds of proposals to get rid of the "stand your ground" laws.
In the wake of the grossly unfair jury verdict (according to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) recently handed down in the Florida George Zimmerman trial, we are hearing all kinds of proposals to get rid of the "stand your ground" laws.


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