Monday, April 30th, 2012 Archives | Eastern North Carolina Now

Browse our Archived Results for Monday, April 30th, 2012


Archived Results for Monday, April 30th, 2012

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Republicans Bob Steinburg and Owen Etheridge will compete in the May 8 primary for the North Carolina House District 1 seat currently held by nine-term Democrat Bill Owens, who isn't seeking re-election this year.
Republicans Bob Steinburg and Owen Etheridge will compete in the May 8 primary for the North Carolina House District 1 seat currently held by nine-term Democrat Bill Owens, who isn't seeking re-election this year.
Absentee voting is well underway for North Carolina's 2012 May primaries. Keep track of who's voting and where the most votes are happening, and break them down by cross-sections with the new Civitas Vote Tracker.
Absentee voting is well underway for North Carolina's 2012 May primaries. Keep track of who's voting and where the most votes are happening, and break them down by cross-sections with the new Civitas Vote Tracker.
Being an elected representative in the General Assembly carries with it a high level of public trust. Mr. Williams needs to explain this situation if he expects the people of the Sixth House District to trust him in his current bid for election to public office.
Being an elected representative in the General Assembly carries with it a high level of public trust. Mr. Williams needs to explain this situation if he expects the people of the Sixth House District to trust him in his current bid for election to public office.
Upon completion of studies at the University of North Carolina School of Government at Chapel Hill, NC, Sharon C. “JoJo” Singleton was presented the North Carolina County Clerk Certification at the Clerks Annual Conference held in Winston-Salem, NC on April 21, 2012.
Upon completion of studies at the University of North Carolina School of Government at Chapel Hill, NC, Sharon C. “JoJo” Singleton was presented the North Carolina County Clerk Certification at the Clerks Annual Conference held in Winston-Salem, NC on April 21, 2012.
On Monday, April 23, 2012 the NC Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Transportation met in Raleigh. Rep. Tim Spears (Democrat, Washington County) proposed legislation to repeal any new or increased ferry tolls.
On Monday, April 23, 2012 the NC Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Transportation met in Raleigh. Rep. Tim Spears (Democrat, Washington County) proposed legislation to repeal any new or increased ferry tolls.
Sunday evening around 9:40 p.m., Washington Police responded to multiple calls of shots fired and power outages in the 600 block of Wilson Street.
Sunday evening around 9:40 p.m., Washington Police responded to multiple calls of shots fired and power outages in the 600 block of Wilson Street.
There is an epidemic of political whiplash being spread by North Carolina Democratic leaders. In 1996, then Senator Beverly Perdue voted for G.S. 51-1.2 - Marriages Between Persons of the Same Gender Not Valid.
There is an epidemic of political whiplash being spread by North Carolina Democratic leaders. In 1996, then Senator Beverly Perdue voted for G.S. 51-1.2 - Marriages Between Persons of the Same Gender Not Valid.
I don't understand all the fuss about the proposed Buffet Rule. I think it should be the guiding principle for government at all levels.
I don't understand all the fuss about the proposed Buffet Rule. I think it should be the guiding principle for government at all levels.
Years ago, and indeed, the whole of history, will show that marriage has always been intended to bind a man and woman together in a special union for the purpose of procreating and raising children.
Years ago, and indeed, the whole of history, will show that marriage has always been intended to bind a man and woman together in a special union for the purpose of procreating and raising children.
Mrs. Evelyn Latham Tripp, age 94, a resident of 403 Willows Court, Washington, died Sunday April 29, 2012 at her home.
Mrs. Evelyn Latham Tripp, age 94, a resident of 403 Willows Court, Washington, died Sunday April 29, 2012 at her home.
Mrs. Evelyn Jones Taylor Watkins, age 85, a former resident of Washington, died Saturday, April 28, 2012 at Martin General Hospital in Williamston.
Mrs. Evelyn Jones Taylor Watkins, age 85, a former resident of Washington, died Saturday, April 28, 2012 at Martin General Hospital in Williamston.


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