Profile for McCrory Communications | Eastern North Carolina Now

Profile for McCrory Communications

User Avatar Joined: Jul 16, 2015 (1:04pm)
Updated: Jul 16, 2015 (1:04pm)
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Since Governor Pat McCrory entered office in January 2013, North Carolina's economy added 300,000 new jobs, the state experienced one of the largest drops in unemployment in the country, $2.6 billion in debt for federal unemployment insurance was paid off, personal income and business taxes were cut
Since Governor Pat McCrory entered office in January 2013, North Carolina's economy added 300,000 new jobs, the state experienced one of the largest drops in unemployment in the country, $2.6 billion in debt for federal unemployment insurance was paid off, personal income and business taxes were cut
The Office of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory announced the following appointments
The Office of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory announced the following appointments
The North Carolina National Guard has recognized Governor Pat McCrory for his dedication, leadership and support to the National Guard throughout his governorship
The North Carolina National Guard has recognized Governor Pat McCrory for his dedication, leadership and support to the National Guard throughout his governorship
Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III, and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. today announced that Kaco USA Inc. will expand its production facility in Lincoln County
Governor Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III, and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C. today announced that Kaco USA Inc. will expand its production facility in Lincoln County
Governor Pat McCrory issued the following statement concerning the Special Session he called to address a "manufactured political issue" and a "sabotage" by the Left.
Governor Pat McCrory issued the following statement concerning the Special Session he called to address a "manufactured political issue" and a "sabotage" by the Left.


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